A game of habits

in #life7 years ago

This is basically life. What you repeat, you will get better at, what you don't, you'll get choppy at.
From this point of you, whenever you find yourself being weak or "bad" at something is probably because you do not implement habits to support your ambitions.

It is difficult to do that especially if you do not like routine as much and if the thing you want to implement is not easy in the first place. But seriously, do you want it or not?!


I find myself lacking motivation to do a lot of the stuff I want to do and then I inquire why. Maybe the answer is that motivation sucks. Like, DUDE, motivation is really a weak way to do something. Yeah it gets you going but then it rans out so fast. Motivation is not fuel, is a drug. So maybe is not motivation, is method.

The most important thing in all this, to me, is the desire to achieve or get better at something. That's when you take the decision to do this or that and that's where it gets back to every time. To all this, it helps to write down "the why" so you can always remember. It's funny but we are very bad at remembering while we think we are very good at remembering.

In a way, this post is a note for myself.

Here's a small list of things I want to get in a better habit for:

  • Going to gym daily
  • Listening
  • Writing daily
  • Making an effort
  • Waking up a little earlier
  • Meditation
  • Saying what needs to be said

And because there is a needed GoT reference here it it:
When you play the game of habits, you win or you're a lazy-ass :))

So what are you trying to get into the habit to these days and how's your progress?


Hey @ razvanelulmarin, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work!
It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

Consistency is key when you are trying to form a new habit or getting rid of an unwanted habit. In my own experience after constantly going after it for around 60 days, the habit becomes the defualt behaviour. Back in 2016 I wanted to read more and waste less time on browsing the internet so I scheduled 25 min of reading every day, play forward to 2018 I have read over 30 books which some of them have had a positive impact of my life.
Great post buddy and keep it up

Hey Razvane,
Im really with you! What we do regulary we can get amazing at!
Just wanted to make sure you dont underestimate the power of our thoughts!

Of course do our Actions shape our Reality but further more do our Thoughts do - in my honest opinion :)
If you tell yourself during each and every workout - "im bad, i cant, i have to stop" you wont have the success you would have with a positive mindset!
Its just the same with your Motivation: try to tell yourself that you have a ton of Motivation!

What feels better? Complaining on lacking Motivation or smiling and telling yourself your shining from all you Motivation? :))

Cant wait to read more of you brother,
just want to know how progress is going!
I wish you all the best and good luck from Germany,
Johannes (:

When you play the game of habits you either have useful ones and kick ass or you have crappy ones and you suck even more :)))
Find out what happens in the next episode

nanananananana( GOT theme)


Oh this is so me @razvanelulmarin. I am terrible at getting into good habits, I just never manage to stick at them. As we moved I now HAVE to learn Spanish, but it's so hard, it just doesn't stick in my brain. But I really really want to be able to sit down and have a proper conversation with someone, or just be able to listen, so I am trying to push myself to do the Duolingo thing at least once a day, and I am forcing myself to listen to the conversations my wife has, even though I only catch about 10% of what is said.

Part of the problem is putting the target too far away and then you have to make efforts to reach it.
For example, you have here 7 goals to achieve them together.
This is a big problem, however if you start with some of them and transform them to habits, it will be easier to approach the others.
Thanks for your post.

well now that you have written that list and published it you have put a strong intention into the universe, check it in a couple of weeks to see which things you have accomplished. I have been trying to get into a habit of making lists, maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

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