You can live in your own paradise, or worst nightmare. You choose

in #life6 years ago

Happiness is a state of perception.

I talk a lot about my journey and how it came to pass that I freed myself from the trauma and baggage of my parents, friends and other negative influences in my life. I give you examples of how I did it and what steps I took to give me a happier perception of the world I am living in because that’s all it is, perception.

Let’s rewind ourselves in my journey 20 years or more when I had just been diagnosed as a Paranoid Schizophrenic by a panel of professionals. My life was literally over as soon as my consultant psychiatrist could even suggest such a thing. Here was me, a bright young boy with all his life ahead of him; with goals, with bucket lists, with aims, and it was all squashed by that diagnosis over one night. From there I basically gave up. Life was for existing now and nothing else. If I had ever enjoyed life beforehand this was the final nail in the coffin to any enjoyment.

I always remember the young lady friend I had that told me the sparkle that was once in my eyes was now gone. She was basically right. The fun-loving energy that I once had was now extinguished. I had moved to surviving instead of living.

See, this is where I had it wrong though. This is where I royally fucked up. I had basically locked myself in my own mental prison and thrown away the lock and key. Nothing had changed about my life since the diagnosis. I was still Raymond, and I STILL had my whole life ahead of me, and if I thought about it hard enough there were still a copious number of things I could have achieved with my life. I was only twenty-one, and I was young enough to grab the world by the bollocks and run for it screaming. I could have achieved anything I wanted to – I certainly did that later in life, but alas, I had thrown myself in a bad spiral of negativity.

This is why people can get locked in their own prison of negativity and the world can seem a terribly harsh place to live in. We get trapped in past events and let them spiral out of control in our consciousness so that it impairs our ability to make good decisions for ourselves. I mean look at me, right? Young, 21, headhunted in the catering sector, and had a career ahead of me. But having that diagnosis, just with the knowledge that I was something other than normal changed everything for me. Yet nothing had actually changed, only knowledge.

It’s why I’ve stopped reading the news and mainstream media, it’s all overbearing and negative and doom and gloom. I feel it’s almost designed to limit public transcendence into a happier medium. There’s always something going on in mainstream media, whether it’s President Trump, North Korea, The UK, Brexit, Men, Women, black, white, transgender, hetero, whatever, but when I pull myself back from all that world stuff and identify with my individuality and local surroundings it all seems far calmer and lovely. It feels happier again. It’s always better to refresh from time to time and reconnect with my surroundings.

People are outdated.

We are designed to think in stereotypes and blanket statements because our thinking hasn’t evolved much from when we existed in little communities shut off from the rest of the world. Existing in our caves we probably came across a handful of other humans in our lifetime, so ‘all red people’ was a relatively fair statement about the handful of red people a person saw in their lifetime. Now that the world has gone and connected itself beyond ways in which we can barely imagine, making a blanket statement simply doesn’t cut it anymore because if you look outwardly at the world you’ll see that most people are their own squiggly shaped peg and there’s no way they are going to fit anywhere near into the tight square hole society makes for them.

The media, and social media especially, preys on this aspect and it uses it to its advantage; to spread fear, to spread doubt, to spread miscommunication and create large ravines between humanity. Labels are important, but they are also being used against us too. We are less efficient when we are angry at one another than when we are united as one. If I spend my life being angry at [x label] then how am I going to have any time to concentrate on my own wellbeing, right?

And this is how personal misery is engineered.

I like to be different. You could too 🙂


Our thoughts can make our world a paradise or a nightmare. This is the first thing, so we should try to control them, or least, try to think at the brighter side; secondly, the people around us can make our life heaven or nightmare, so we should remove all the toxic people from your life and surround yourself with positive, happy, and successful, but remember, these people will accept you only when you are happy and successful, and positive as well.

Very much agree. I've been through all of which you've described :)

We all live in the world we want; at least the smaller world. We make what we choose to live in and with.

It's right! You are what you create :)

You are a happyest couple in the world

I like seeing real, positive posts. Especially from the first person perspective. IMO, this is quality content!
Hopefully it comes through how much I agree with your perspective. Happiness is a choice.

Thank you. It SO is!!

This makes sense.

Congratulations on transcending your diagnosis.

It is hoped that some others will be helped by your sharing.

I hope so, you know? I hope it helps at least one person. This is why I write.

I do agree with not wanting to be bombarded with the news and it’s media. Trying to keep it positive, which enables me to better be a blessing to people. 🙏🏼👊🏼🔑

Yes! Helping yourself also helps other people. You're right :)

...that's actually a great way of looking at it!

Like the Jerry Maguire movie... "help ME, help YOU!" lol

I'm looking forward to more of your future posts. (It's only my 1st day on Steemit // I'll be posting my "introduceyourself post" today too)

"I pull myself back from all that world stuff and identify with my individuality and local surroundings it all seems far calmer and lovely." - I agree completely!

I have friends who think I am ignorant because I don't know the news. But I CHOOSE not to follow the news. If I spend my time being proactive instead of mulling over the news and falling into a depression, just imagine the difference I can make.

Just see where to get involved not entangled and what to avoid. This is much more effective than detachment. And you're right @sweetpea news is bogus Now-a-days it's all profit and no concern.

I haven't watched the news in years. The only news stories I hear are from my wife. I don't want to be constantly depressed about the world! This is how I work too :)

This was my message to my hubby...and then my son today... And now here it is again!

Spread this truth!

Thanks for giving me the word "perception"...the words of my message were a bit tangled ... Perception nails it!

I don't read the news anymore, I am more comfortable with people who are in the positive state of mind, surrounded with the positive energy, like you!

This is a wonderfully-written piece with a good inspirational message. It was also touching how you stepped outside your comfort zone by telling us a bit more about yourself and how you helped to overcome the problem. I, too, have had to boycott the traditional news and some social media (FB, et al.) and glad that others have found some solace in doing so! Bravo for this great post! 😊

Oh it's SO freeing. All that negativity and doom and gloom? Jesus. I'm best faar away from it.

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