Why society is lying to you on a subconscious level

in #life7 years ago

I hate the term society. It's like this big umbrella word that neatly categorises most people in my County, or Country into little pigeon-holes; a huge invisible sway of people judging and forcing us to fit into their own personal categories and rules. I silently gave most friends and family the middle finger a few years back. They told me that to be successful in this world I had to have a family and earn bread for that family by having a job. I hear it countless times from other people in my situation; the utter disrespect they receive when going it alone. If it's something like this, cryptocurrency, and not within the normal parameters of what others perceive as natural and healthy then it's not generally understood. When people don't understand they tend not to try and understand but make it their mission to desperately help you. It's what happened to me. Ridiculed and jeered as I was given the aversion therapy they thought I needed to get back into normal thinking.

Suck it, friends

I loved the day when I showed my mate the first $10,000 I made. It didn't compute, and it wasn't long before we weren't friends anymore. Luckily, I'm left to my own devices now by my family, happy that I'm making it on my own and winning the bread for my own family. Very few understood though, or even wanted to understand what it was that I'm up to. I tell other friends about Crypto currency and the almost zero balance you can walk in with, but alas, it's too intelligent stuff for them, or at least that's what they want to believe (or have been told).

I answered a question for a panicked woman on Quora, once. I like Quora it makes me seem somewhat intelligent. She was worried what people may think of her because she didn't want to have children in her life. It struck me hard, really, that question. My first thought was, who the hell does anyone think they are telling someone that their own personal choice in life is wrong? Who the fuck are they? It set me on a train of thought and I concluded that it was, again, this big over-arching society bullshit. For me the choice should have been up to her, right? Her life and her rules. No-one else’s, no matter how big or small or influential. Society has a way of weeding its way into our thoughts like such. As a man, society tells me that I need to go to college and be successful and work for 'the man' it tells me I need to be Married and have kids and work until I'm half dead. Well, I say fuck society. I'll do it my way.

Schools & Obedience

Schools have it wrong. Schools teach us to be subservient. There are great teachers in this world don't get me wrong; I personally know a few of them, but schools teach obedience and students are rewarded for that obedience. I have, and always will be a leader. That's why School was shit for me. I grew up looking out for the 'big man,' that his ideas and opinions were solid and Godlike, and that I shouldn't question them. My failing in earlier life was always seeking the leader. I was taught to follow, and sometimes like a lemming, before I knew it I was on the rocks with my neck snapped, battered and bloodied from the fall as I punched every rock with my face on the way down. I don't think everyone is a leader though. Some were born to lead, others to follow. It's when you teach everyone to follow is when you have a problem.

I was a leader in sheep’s clothing. I was a man that stumbled through life always thinking that there was something better for me, always thinking that I should be worth something, always thinking there should be a crowd following me. When I would get drunk out of my mind I was always one for making a public exhibition. A leader that's only following is sometimes the hardest burden to bare, and yet, so many of us are that way. You can spot leaders in sheep’s clothing everywhere. Those are the ones you see in McDonalds, and as waiting staff, underperforming, always wondering what else is out there. I'd love to say tag someone you think as a leader here to get the conversation rolling but I feel most of us here are. Perhaps in a few years we might be considered as pioneers of the content revolution, who knows?

Peer pressure = society

Society is pressure. That's all it is. The pressure to fit into some weird zone of normality that no-one really fits into. We all strive for this weird zone. To be better, to look better, to be more fanciable, to be liked, to be loved, to belong. I've wrote constantly how we are far similar than we are different, and part of that I think is to do with the human need to belong, mixed in with our hard-to-grasp consciousness on globalism. We rarely think in terms of humanity. We think of female, or male. Male homosexual, or female cisgender. Black male atheist with gender issues, or Hispanic female Christian with sympathy for Islam. The list goes on. Humanity is one constant though.

I completely reject society. By that I don't mean that I sit holed up in my house with a shotgun quietly whispering to passers-by, "move along now," no. I mean it has no influence on me. I'm not interested in 'keeping up with the Jones’s' if my mate buys himself a well-earned new sports car then fantastic. That's awesome for him. I won't though, my family car fits my needs for now. Try pressure me into anything and watch how badly you fail. My days of trying to fit in and belong are long gone. My next venture will be hiring people, so I'm excited about that!

What about you? What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading!


Society or the "people" in general term is indeed an enslaving word. I hate when in parliament democracy countries some politicians in their speech use the word: people. Society is more complex, but the people gives me a populist-detector. Both words are surely something that needs to be more defined in our personal and collective mental vocabulary in the future.Thanks for this article!

Very much agree. We are individual at the core, no two the same. The terms society and normal are bullshit

I started on steemit a few days ago and since the beginnig i didnt understant it but i apply cuz i could see the potential. I show my friends the laugh at my face. I am into crypto and valuable information trade. Sometimes i feel alone but then i open steem and i just start talking with raddom people... connectivity is soo cool between people overwhere.. i stop using face.. this just make soo much sense.... keep posting great staff.. following bro!🤞

Oh yes it is!!!! The only bad thing i miss all my friends birthdays🤣🤣🤣

Maybe that's something to ask the admin team!

I agree with you 110 percent @raymondspeaks. We are different individuals and have our different views of life. I spent !ost of my childhood days like you trying to fit in. People see and think that they know what is best for you and have an opinion on how you should live your life. I believe that life is a shared experience of different perspectives as said by someone wise. We should each be given the chance they way we feel, make our own mistakes and learn from them. The most important experience in life is happiness and we must each find our happiness any way we can.

I agree with that very much! Who are we to judge, right? Too much time spent on looking into other people's problems when we should really be sweeping up our own shit from the doormat

Yeah. In my neighbourhood for instance people poke their noses into stuff which usually do not concern them. If you keep to yourself, they'll have a problem with you. I believe that our actions affect others directly or indirectly but we should not live our lives pleasing other people. Life is too short for that.

Ah, dude, you're beginning to speak like me now. People have accused me of trying to people please in the last year, and it's not because I am trying to please them, or that I agree with them, but we all have to live together, you know? Why be a dick when you don't need to?

Okay, I'll be following you it looks :)

I hope that we become good pals. I'll be reading more of your post

Me too, with you! :)

consumerism in this country is out of control. So many trying to "keep up with the Joneses" by buying more stuff that they totally miss out on the important things. just my humble opinion.

I have ex friends that buy a new car every year to 'stay ahead' of the Joneses. Sad, really.

I agree with this post 100%. There is so much pressure in society to fit into a box of the normal standard of living, that anything outside of the box or hard to understand is deviant and needs to be cured or fixed. Problem is now societal opinions of 'normal' are hard to determine that individual's are struggling to conform...... a lot of people are losing their identity because they force themselves to be a person that fits in, but the lines are so blurred.... its difficult to determine how to do that..... schools teach conformity and reinforce the need to fit into a box of normality. Great blog!!!! Xxxx

Live your life on how you want to live it, not by society views how you should life your life or what is considered to be "acceptable." Of course, we should live our lives on a moral and ethical standard. Great post!!

Keep it up! and yes the money here will keep u a nice person like u sed to get PISSED at peope for being trump haters or beiging up <SM lies like the russia hacking tehelction and shit as if russia is that powerful when russia has the GDP of italy and canbarely run their own country ahha

anyway npw i fuckin stay callm and im like damn ima chi; and make sure i dont poiss people off so i can retain maximum rewards and honestly its better for everyone!

when i do have crtiicis, i alway make a compliment sanwich (somethinv i learrnd from Stewei on Family guy as he mimics a corporate asshole, its probly some Sigma Six corporate vooodo bullshit but ya compliment sandwich, u complicmet a post, then u give ur criticism, nd then another compliemnt, it just helps peoples egos not get caught up, its crazy pw much ur ego canjust g off onjust a llil post if someone really sticks it to you nd pushes ur button and u dont even realize how theyre TRYINg tod o that like those gguys n the telegra, chat hahaha

We call that the feedback sandwich in the UK. It's basically a psychological trick to give criticism without hurting feelings. I do it without thinking haha. It's also good character building too. You can use it anywhere in life!

Thank you :)

Interesting piece. I certainly agree with you on schools. They serve only to foster mindless obedience to authority, but seem to have utterly failed with many of the people here on Steemit.

I can't say I've ever felt any pressure from society to act in a certain way and I think I might legitimately claim to have 'gone it alone'. Maybe I have rejected society, i don't know, but I certainly haven't ever felt the need to seek its permission or approval.

There you go then. You're already awesome :)

Raymond speaks the truth!

Preaaach! I'm so glad Raymond speaks right now, haha! Upvoted!

o weeee epic content right there buddy. thanks for that got my juices going

Good. Really glad it did, thanks :)

absolutely bud no problem. keep doing great things

good man. i reject society too ;) i live offgrid in nature but ongrid in comms! :)

I envy that! I lack the survivalist knowledge to do such. I would, though

oh trust me i'm not as survivalist as i want to be. but i did shut the door on bank accounts, direct debits and all that guff a long time ago. i don't do phone calls just data. i'm learning all the time.

Damn man. That's really smart.

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