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RE: Your screaming and your blaming is only harming your own cause

in #life6 years ago

Haha! Thanks for the open dialogue Summayah. I was hoping I'd get some insight.

Well, I grew up in an area that was 99.99% white, and we lived in the poor areas, so the Police were always stopping and searching us and suspecting us. There was a known gang in the area, and if you were young, you were suspected.

Also, I get told to fuck off back to my own country more and more now that there's growing tensions between England and Scotland, albeit never for my skin colour.

See, the way you explained it I can accept that. I can accept that there will be things I'll never experience because of my skin colour - I get that. I'll also teach my son that too! And to use it to help others - I just couldn't accept that way I was being assumed solely on a statement that I was making and that no-one bothered to ask me why! And if they did they'd see I was on their side!

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