My dark passenger

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I read a great article from @cali-girl on facing her demons yesterday. It has changed the direction of my planned article today. It made me think. I love articles that do that! Here goes:

The darkness

If you've ever watched Dexter before you'll have heard him talk about his dark passenger often. The darkness that lives inside him that motivates him to kill. I'm of the mind that we all have dark passengers, every last one of us. In my eyes, the road to an easier life is to accept that the darkness lives within you; the potential to do great harm with very little effort. I can assure you there have been times when I've felt like strangling another car driver. I was once a sufferer of road rage, but that's another story. I accept that the darkness lives inside me too. I've come to terms with it and accepted that it exists. One would not be kind and empathetic without being tread on and shat upon themselves several million times, or, actually being the bully/user. I was once a great manipulator of people, and I have a lot of time for those that I see that trait in, seeing my younger self in there, crying, wanting to get out.

I love the term balance. One can't accept the light without also accepting the dark. I may write a good story on a positive note but please make no allusions that I'm a beacon of shining light. I too, have my massive failings. I feel life is a growth process, we pander to the positive and work on the bad. I had a discussion with my wife, just a few days ago, about how last year I made her cry when she had done something nice for the family. It made me cringe, because a year further ahead I am no longer that person, obviously I had learned from the experience.

There is no such thing as perfection

Perfection is a bullshit word. Yesterday I made my Son cry because I wanted to write something for my website and talk to my marketing guru, and yet, I could have sat with him for half an hour where he showed me his cool new tricks, but no, I had to do what I wanted. I could have shelved my plans until the night time but there's a burning need inside me to do the things I think are good ideas right there and then. It's my impulse side. It drives my wife crackers and neglects my Son on occasion. I'll hopefully learn from that experience.

Then there are my friendships. I wound one of my friends up the wall a few days ago because it took me two hours to get back to him on a question he had. Not because I was busy, or that I didn't see his question, but I was talking to other people at the time. I go through fads with my friendships and that is perhaps something I need to work on a little better. I do try by giving all my friends equal space, yet, I do slip on occasion. I'm no beacon of perfection as I say.

I'm staggeringly selfish

My selfishness sucks. I was raised an only child and to say the world revolves around me is an understatement. It's partly why I like to grow audiences and connect communities. People say I'm a great giver but I'm also terribly selfish. Last year I gave a friend a non-committal amount of money so that he could put a deposit on his rental house. People say that's such a selfless thing to do, yet, underneath it all, I did it for me. I did it to feel good about myself. Making a difference, as much as it is to do with others, it's also a lot about me too. Some of the largest acts of selflessness are also incredibly selfish. Bill Gates for example, widely revered in the Charity sector for his giving and charitable ways probably does that in some way to balance the mindset he has, to convince himself that he actually is, a good person. Just look at all the businesses he helped grow? It's an alternative look on giving for sure.

Then there's my Family. As much as it annoys me that they don't come here to visit, or never make the effort to contact me, I can do better. Much better. I'm always telling people that if something isn't working for you, don't get mad, change it. Yet here I am, waiting for them to finally announce their next visit on tender hooks because the last time we saw them an Ice Age had passed. Maybe it's time I just suck it up and visit them, no? It's always different with family, it's hard, because you expect better. My Mum should know better, but sometimes I feel I'm further ahead than her in life.

My burdens, not yours!

These are my burdens, though. My dark passengers. I've accepted them for what they are. I stopped running perhaps ten or so years ago, u-turned and faced them head on. I began to recognise my arseholery and work with it to make myself a better person; not to the outside world, I couldn't give a fuck what anyone else thinks, only to me, my opinion of myself. It dawned on me over the last few years that spending all this time, trying to only highlight my good parts, trying to get people to see me in a good light; it makes no difference in the end if I don't see myself in a good light, right? How will I teach people to love themselves, and those around them if I don't love myself and those around me? I'm the only person that matters in my world. That is why I'm a great believer in leading by example. If you truly love the person that you are, then you can transfer that warmth onto other people. I think, anyway.

At the very least I've accepted me for the person that I am. Flawed, selfish, occasionally arrogant, inconsiderate and loves indirect attention. That's me, warts and all! What about you?

Thanks for reading!


I read this the other day when you posted it, but got sidetracked and didn't comment. I think you're starting to get how I am by now. Furthermore, I am honored that I could serve as inspiration for your article. There is no such thing as perfection and that's what makes us perfect. I have nothing but love for you, @raymondspeaks.

That was really nicely said. Thank you! I'm an avid follower of you too :)

Nicely put. Very nicely put.
Maybe there is no need to teach others ;) Everyone learns on his own :)

That's very true. People DO learn at their own pace regardless of what I say :)

I am a simple man: I see a Dexter reference, I upvote!

The first seasons were pretty awesome but it felt like the show declined a little towards the end. I think Dexter's dark passenger was actually more a part of him being a control freak. Being able to decide what people live and die around you gives you an immense power over your reality.

We're on the season with the religious people. I see his dark passenger as his struggle with his own reality. He totally rejects the notion that he has any light in him, but just look at the family bond he has and how protective he is over them. There is light and dark in all of us, however little. What matters is what we do with it :)


the moving is nice and cool the season is awesome

A good story that explains the weakness of many people. You are not alone @raymondspeaks and note that people succeeds when they accept and work positively on their limitations . I belive you are a good guy and will do great. Following you in order to read more from you. Success.

I can relate for most of it, but that part about strangling driver... dude, now I am a little aware of what kind of person you really are...

Haha! We all have our dark passengers

and as long as we don't let him take the wheel, we can usually put up with a bit of back seat driving.

lol, very true!

Don't be so hard on yourself about lending money to a friend! I believe that sometimes we can be overly harsh on ourselves and see a negative in everything. I know I can be like that sometimes.

You might feel good when you help out a friend with rent because you are helping them through a tough spot. I think life is hard enough already, and having friends and family to help us through bumps in the road is great. My friends helped me through some tough spots in my life. I once went through a medical situation where, if it wasn't for my friends, I don't know how I would have mentally or financially gotten through the situation. I hope they feel great about what they did for me because they deserve it.

I appreciate the vulnerable post!

Thanks man! Giving is what it is I guess :)

what do you mean by a 'not commital amount of money'? It's a term I'm unfamiliar with.

Nicely noted. It was supposed to be non-commital

Oh, I wasn't trying to be critical. I really didn't understand. Language, as you know, is sometimes used differently in different regions (ie, UK vs. U.S.). So, I wasn't sure of the meaning.
So, if I understand, you were meaning an insubstantial amount of money or a small amount of money. An amount that indicated you weren't overly committed to the cause: non-committal.

Oh, no, I knew you weren't. Sorry if I came across brash. It wasn't my intention.

Maybe I had the phrase entirely wrong. What I meant to say was an amount of money that had no strings attached. He could have it and pay me it back if he likes, but I wouldn't be upset if he didn't.

When I was younger, everything I did had a secret agenda. This was my way of saying money that he could have without me feeling like he 'owed' me anything in the future

Thank you for the explanation. :)
It seems the best way to give money, is to do so when you have no expectations of reciprocation. This avoids hard feelings and harming relationships. Good on you! Times are hard and housing so expensive. Glad you chose to do a good deed for your friend.

That is exactly right. I only lend money when I know I don't need it back. That way I don't get upset haha :)

Thank you for sharing and for baring it all. As a dad myself, I could relate. We need to be able to provide without having to think about the little things. But we forget those things mean the most. I hope i would not make my girls cry because I'm too busy to watch their tricks or listen to their problems. Thanks for this post.

Yep . . . me too, guilty on all counts.
I would like, with the kind permission of the reader, to illustrate this:
Many years ago, a friend had his phone disconnected because he didn't (or couldn't) pay the bill. I paid it for him, anonymously.

Oh, yeah, what a guy right? WRONG!!

I did it purely for selfish reasons, because I wanted to be able to call him.

Hope you enjoyed my dance with emotional nudity.

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