Is chivalry dead?

in #life7 years ago

“Fear not, fair maiden, for here I come to rescue ye!”

Yep, for me, chivalry, is an entirely defunct concept. Long gone are the days when women dreamed of being rescued by a knight in shining armour. Or maybe they still do? Dream of it? I don’t know? It’s not what they want, though, because long gone are the days when women were seen as damsels to be rescued. Women now work, some bring home the entire portion of the bacon for the family, and a lot have to cope on their own with their own little family, woman at the helm, telling her family what’s what in a Captain Picard-style “make it so”

Yeah, it’s safe to say that women no longer need saving. This is perhaps where I went wrong in my younger years. I grew up thinking for most of my early twenties that women needed help. It’s why I went around picking up a lot of women that I thought needed help, when in actual fact they really didn’t. It’s where I, personally, went wrong. I often wonder if it was the influence from growing up as an only child in a single parent family with a mother that spent her life being abandoned by men. My Mum, she totally needed saving, but mostly from herself, because she’s went out and wrecked her life a few times that I’m aware of. I bet there are more. Growing up seeing my Mum, in constant battle with herself and the people around her, perhaps it gave me the idea that most women need a saviour. A superman of sorts.

I was no superman of course, but alas, the imagined omnipotence of youth kind of had me thinking that way. That I was an indestructible force coming in to swoop up swathes of distressed damsels from their captors. My Mum also made it her life’s work to instil an ideology in my mind that was completely different from my Dad. My Dad being a womaniser and someone that literally had a woman at each place that he was living, sometimes more. She desperately didn’t want me to turn out like that, and good on her. So, she set about teaching me the core values of what it is to respect women, and of course, being that I was my mother’s only saviour in most of her life, the man that she always fell back to for comfort and company, her young boy, it was sort of implanted in my mind subconsciously that I was the saviours of saviours.

Imagine my shock in the world when I trudged into it and learned that no-one needed saving? None. Nada. Everyone was happy being as they were. I was like a lost knight wandering soullessly around the world forever trying to find his distressed damsel. It happened upon me though later on in my life that perhaps instead of eternally searching for something that wasn’t there, or hadn’t existed for hundreds of years, to change what I was looking for. Simple thinking really but very hard to break. It’s all I had known. I had trained myself from very young to find a damsel. How the hell could I do anything else?

Patience and effort was the key. Firstly, I had to make an effort to stop seeking that damn non-existent damsel and broaden my horizons. No-one needed saving so I had to look at other options. I had to hang up my steel armour and sell my horse. I had to look at a new ambition, I had to look at other options. It was damn hard at first.

Firstly, I read what happened to all the Damsels and where they went. Why are there none anymore? Turns out there were two great wars over the last century which required the women left at home to pick up the slack that was left from the absence of men. We still needed an economy at the very least to survive. Women took to the farms, and the mills, and the armouries. Turns out when men came back all the women had started working and there were little places left for the men. Hard to stop a wrecking ball when it was already in motion. Women began to enjoy work, and began to shed their previously frail reputation. Not that they were ever frail anyway. This is why women are respected in the workplace now.

Once I realised what had happened I wondered what do women want from a man now, what excites them? I began to tentatively ask women that were my friends, observe others, sit in the shadows and watch. Surprisingly it turns out that women still like being the damsel from time to time, being led into places by a strong man. Confidence is super sexy so it seems, but also women like a man that is soft too, that has a caring, nurturing side, and that is happy to feed baby whilst she sleeps, or take baby for a walk in the pram. Turns out women want a strong balance between the two. Balanced. To give her hugs when needed from your warmth and to tell her “NO” when she’s pushing me too far.

Turns out women just want someone that is comfortable and happy with themselves. Confident, happy, and cares not what other people think.

Armed with this knowledge I set about exploring what makes me happy. What did I want from life? Where was I going? What are my boundaries? What do I like versus what do I not like? All of this. I’m actually documenting this in my podcast if you’d care to have a listen. I find that I like photography. This was the first avenue I explored. Well before writing. It was a way to express myself in a way that I hadn’t before. Then I found writing, and wow, writing is my love. I like helping people too. Love it in fact. Nothing gives me greater feeling inside than watching people grow. I found out that I really liked myself also, perhaps loved myself.

Then life fell into place really. I was no longer seeking the eternal damsel. I already had a lady that I loved and a Son that is my world that I picked up along the way. Through my journey I had made peace with myself at last, and let go of the damsel. Put her to bed for ever.


Wow that is quite a journey and a progression! I am glad you were able to go through those stages and come out happy on the other side (not that changes are actually ever done. The only thing constant is change.) Yes, I agree that damsels don't need to be saved, but sometimes they do enjoy being rescued! I think though fundamentally that no one can save another person. People have to make the decision to save themselves, to straighten out their own lives and come to grips with their own feelings. You can't make an unhappy person happy and you can't help someone who won't help herself. It goes both ways. You can give someone support while they face something they need to face. You lend someone strength when they are overwhelmed. But ultimately they must find the strength inside.

I love the picture of knights by the way!

That's pretty much the way it is, or what I learned. The only person that can change is that person themselves. I can impart wisdom but it's up to them whether or not they choose to accept it :)

Beautiful story and I think it's true for more men then they are willing to admit. I love that you didn't go from one extreme to other. You found the secret to life, which is all about balance of what we thought, what we've learned, and who we accept ourselves to be.

Congrats on the family and baby. I'd love to hear your love story of how you met, maybe in your next post?

I could manage that. If you check out my blog I have quite a few wife stories on there.

Brilliant, I shall go digging for love stories :D

Good luck! I'll do how I met tonight I think :)

Look forward to it!

Did your smushy post tonight. It was one of my best from my website -

Have I found my hidden talent? Inspiring writers to write?

nice post very informative, that pic brings back alot of memories :D

I have really enjoyed reading this, how things have changed or more like how woman have changed.

Yes! Both women and men have changed :)

Speaking as a woman, and one who definitely doesn't need saving, I still appreciate your desire and longing to save. I think it just shows how compassionate you are. I'm glad you finally found your one and have a little family.

You know, whilst I was writing this I was thinking to myself, "Damn, even with this writing I'm still trying to save people" haha. It's my life's work I guess :) - Congrats on your marriage btw

I think that that is great. At least your wife and son will know that you will always save them if they need it. That's a fantastic characteristic for a husband and daddy to have in my opinion ❤️❤️ And thank you!!

"Turns out women just want someone that is comfortable and happy with themselves." <--- This. There is nothing more attractive than a man who is confident, and nothing sexier than a confident man who takes care of himself.

That's right. I expect this thought is universal :)

Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]

An independent woman doesn't need a man to look after her. She needs a partner not to save her but to simply be with her to comfort and repect her. Chivalry is not about us, women, it is about how men should be--always ready to protect and love.

I enjoyed reading your article! Thanks for sharing. May your family be blessed, always!

Pretty true words. I do believe in chivalry just our understanding of it needs to evolve. As you said woman don't need saving. Rather a chivalrous male much like a gentleman should know how to conduct himself and treat a woman.

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