I was called a sexist today! :D

in #life7 years ago

Ah, the wondrous world of Facebook, where people can congregate from all walks of life and without any accountability we can openly hate on each other. When did that become a thing by the way? A fashionable way to present oneself? To jump on someone's profile that you barely know, take his wording entirely out of context and begin to shout obscenities at your fellow 'friends'? It stirs me up the wrong way because I was targeted today, not because I was being unfair, but because I was a man. This is cold-hearted right there what's wrong with Feminism today. It's why so many women are distancing themselves more and more from the idea, and it's why we are seeing a male movement when one did not exist beforehand.

Women and men want the same

I've always believed that women are the same as men. Maybe that's a far-out idea for this day and age but to label and vilify someone that you don't agree with is a backwards step in my opinion. To effectively shut out all opposition without taking the time to listen to what is being said is not progression, it's not a healthy debating skill, it's not being mature in your wisdom, it's being childlike and afraid. I've dealt with people like this in the past but I have most often found that they exist on the right side of Politics. Today I was challenged by someone as far left as me and agreed with everything that I've said in the past, until, of course she disagreed with what I said that challenged her opinion on women.

My friend said something to me today that made me perk up and listen, she was a woman. She said to me, "I really hate how there's an unfair balance between men and women when it comes to arguing. It's encouraged for females to attack men verbally, yet discouraged for men to do the same thing. Often men are looked down upon in certain cases.” It had me wondering if perhaps this was why I was answering her statements tactfully and she was going right out there and calling me sexist. Maybe it's personal to me, I'm unsure. I often take solstice that the same women that complain about men objectifying them are often rubbing one out to Magic Mike XXL, or Fifty Shades of Grey; not that I feel having Magic Mike XXL is a bad thing, or either is FSoG, I point out the sheer hypocrisy of such actions.

It's behaviour, not 'ism'

For me most 'isms' are generally down to behaviour through learned experience of individuals. It's more of a behaviour attitude than an 'ism'. When one shouts as loud as they can that I'm wrong without heeding anything that I say, then I'm more inclined to understand this person hasn't properly developed an attitude in which another person can open up and listen from. These people can usually be heard drowning out other people’s voices from the four corners of the web, and it's becoming more normal now and growing in fashion. I can honestly see a trend. Let me be clear I've never been called a sexist in my life, but in the past perhaps year I've been called it twice. Maybe far more in future the more I try to stomp out the injustices of shutting speech down. 

I'd much rather tell a woman that she can do great things with her life than tell her she's a victim of a cruel patriarchal injustice in this world that she can never escape from unless she shouts louder. The latter seems rather backwards and toxic to whoever is listening. We can also shine a light on acceptance too, though. If I were to tell my friends Stacy, or Claire that they were victims in a cruel world they'd laugh at me because they are just doing fine, they'd also tell me to mind my own feckin business. If I were to tell a female that had come out of a shaky relationship with a horrible man with nowhere or no-one to turn to, then harmony in Feminism may be a heart-warming option, a place to belong, a place to feel again, a place to right the cruel injustices that happened upon them, but I digress. Life, as it is now, is nowhere near black and white or as simple as we may think.

We are what we are

The same can be said for each Political side. It matters now what you believe in, it matters how you act it out. No amount of shouting in someone’s face and calling them a loony lefty or a Hitler Nazi will change that. If I listen to you then I expect you to listen to me. It's why we're finding it real hard at the moment to be heard, because no-one is actually listening. Facebook, blogging, YouTube, Twitter and god knows what else have so expertly shown us how to express ourselves but have yet to teach us how to listen better, or respect each other in a way that's civilised.

My motto is this. Be the change that you wish to see in the world, by that I mean lead by example. If I lead like a cunt then I should expect to be treated like such. This is why I have nothing but warm hugs and love to give you lovely readers, hah!

Anyway, for further note, please try and not see Feminism as bad, if you're like me and enjoy the company of most women then see it as a behaviour thing, and just, y'know, put any notions of 'isms' out the window.


Yes, yes, yes, and YES! < From a woman.

Race, sex, religion, political party all do not matter. What matters is how we act and how we show up in the world.

I do not hate women. I don't hate anyone, actually. I definitely think there are lot of people (women included) who need to level up.


@stehllaxo You, and other women like you, should make another group to fight against this crazy feminNazi... But you can't call yourselves "anti-feminists" because the feminist doctrine is good, but misunderstood and abused. And I am sorry....because of women with "you are not allowed to..." in their mouth , and being so many of them nowadays, force me to apply general judgement, which is so fucking wrong...

The only reason that I don't fight it is because you can't fight fire with fire, and friction in a resistance creates more resistance. Hopefully the resistance loses its steam. In the meantime I chose to affect change by being the best woman I can be regardless of titles.

Same dude, and actually currently hating myself for speaking out against women, a gender that I actually really love!

Boom! This! I may actually enjoy following you :)


Good article. I feel the same way.


Cool post, check out my latest feminist post!

Wow. hah. That was... strange? :)

good write up. if all of us will play our part, respect and listen to each others views, the world would have been a better place. Weldon for drooping this pics.

Your welcome

At least on Steemit you get paid for engaging in discussions about these types of topics haha

This is truth!! This is why I chose to post it here. I'd much rather engage with a potential onslaught but get paid for it ;)

Yea facebook is getting pretty intense. I don't know that I can blame Facebook though. You would think on a social network like FB, where your profile essential represents you as a person, people would act kinder than they are in real life. Try to look good. If that is the case then the human race is screwed.

Good point. I think many of us decompartmentalise our Facebook lifes and reality, though. Most people ignore me in real life ha!

"The human race is screwed" should be on a T-shirt

In your statement that men and women are the same, you are exhibiting feminism. Good job!

Men and women should be the same. It should be no less acceptable for a woman to hit a man than for a man to hit a woman. It should make no difference what's in your pants when it comes to what you get paid or how you're treated.

There is no reason I shouldn't thank a woman for holding the door for me, and no reason I should be insulted for holding the door for her.

I don't think what we call "Feminism" is feminism at all it's misandry. The difference is a misandrist seeks GREATER rights or BETTER treatment for women than men. This is not at all equality.

I am learning this.

Well said! We should all be held to the same standards of behaviour.

Interesting post @raymondspeaks
.. Mutual respect for both sexes is desired.
Thanks for sharing.

Followed .. and please do stay in touch

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