Diamond in the rough

in #life8 years ago

I'm tired tonight. And out of ideas. Perhaps I'll shove on an inspirational post with the Steemit tag and hope for the best. Or not. lol

Side note: Quite a discussion to be had with what's happening over at dollar vigilante, huh? I think I'll stay out of that one and just add a quip, here and there. Hah.

I've actually been unwell for quite a few weeks to be honest. Which is why you haven't seen much action from my account. You see, I travelled to Germany for six days and after getting off the plane, being blasted by the heat and being hopeful about the whole holiday I come down with the shits. That lasted the whole holiday. I was not amused. Not in the slightest.

And to add insult to injury I ended up with Tonsillitis on the second day that I was home. The bottom had fallen out of some of my investments, and being in the middle of summer I was half-dying with the weather and no air conditioning. So NOT a happy bunny.

Buut. It's not all that bad. There are always diamonds in the rough if you know where to look.

Through my illness I had the rest that I had been so desperately craving over the last few months. Recently it's been a non-stop powerfest of do this, do that, achieve this, oh, and stop for an hour to engage with my son. But this, this, that and definitely this still have to be achieved.

And then the illnesses hit like a brick to the face. Knocked me clean on my bed and wouldn't let me get up for a long time. If I'm honest the rest was good. Clearly what I needed because even although this is my second day feeling better I'm clearly on top of the world.


Because I managed to get sleep. And a lot of it. Sleep, rest, sleep and more sleep.

I've emerged a different person, ready to take on the world again. Ready to grab life by the neck and give it a good run for its fiat.

Try me.

And this is why I need to take my own advice at times. I'm one for ploughing out article over article and article about stopping and smelling the roses. Appreciate what you have for a moment. Don't let life whizz by.

And this is what I've been doing.

So even although illness hit me like a brick to the fucking nose.

I've relearned to appreciate the good things of life. Like proper rest :) 

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