Can you fall in love with someone you’ve only talked with online?

in #life7 years ago

Yes. You can.

It’s not that actual person that you fall in love with though, it’s the idea of that person. Think of it this way, you’ve never met this person before so you have no idea if he or she burps loudly in a busy restaurant or farts stinkingly and loudly in a public library. You have no idea whether they will irritate the shit out of you, or make you fall desperately harder for them. It’s a 50/50 chance and it’s why I say don’t go all in until you’ve finally met them in person and at least shared a bed with them for a few days.

I come from a time where internet relationships were frowned upon. The internet for me back in 1996 was like a magical source of awesomeness; I had finally found an avenue to talk to women and not desperately feel shy about it. In the real-world women were forward and scary and I had to do frightening things like ask them out on dates and, “oh, god, what if they rejected me??” Yeah, the internet was a way to bypass all that bumf and get straight to business. There were no social cues, no voice tone, nothing to make me feel like a scared little boy and I could use my natural charm and physical attractiveness to woo the ladies. I knew I had charm but it was the social stuff that screwed me up.

My friends were never accepting of my cavorting with ladies from the internet. To them it was a very expensive way to get laid. They didn’t understand that at the time it was the only way I felt I could hook up. It bypassed all the courting shit that I couldn’t get the hang of.

I was always one for commitment so I wasn’t looking for a quick fuck ’n run, I was looking for a long-term relationship. I managed that with a few of them but only with the ones that had never met me before. There was something that turned the ladies off like light switches when I met them, usually it wouldn’t last very long after the meet up. I had stupidly projected myself as a strong man. On the internet, I could be the hulk if I wanted to be, but in reality, I was just a timid little boy. I doubt that’s what they were looking for, and my physical appearance definitely didn’t match up with my personality. I was slim, toned and slightly muscular but couldn’t fight my way out of a wet paper bag.

Now? Now everyone’s catching up. Suddenly the Internet has hit the mainstream and those of us that were sort of oddities and outcasts to society are now accepted as regular internet users. The people that laughed at us for sitting in the house with our curtains closed furiously masturbating away to some cybersex session are now intimately involved in some way themselves, or have been in the past. I sort of feel I’m hardcore experienced in this area now. My first ever internet relationship was with a girl from Milwaukee in 1996. We would phone each other up and have phone-sex and a whole lot of other deviant behaviours.

The women that I fell in love with online, and I’ll admit, there have been a few (one that I found myself crying in a counsellor’s office over) were never really the people that they actually were. I had worked up a fantasy in my head of the person that I wanted to be with — the blanks that existed I would just fill in with my own ideas of perfection. The women that I had never met existed entirely in my mind. See, she was there in skype, on the telephone, on my mobile, on the computer, but she was never actually there IN person. There were things I didn’t know about her, not big things, but small things that could have eventually broken the fantasy. My wife now, she is constantly grabbing my attention as I work, and whilst that’s not a deal breaker in itself it’s something I wouldn’t know about her until I spent time in person with her. There’s a whole lot of things you wouldn’t know about your online love. Confidence levels, self-assurance, humility, ego and a whole array of other things. After all, you only see them interact with you, what about when they interact with others? In real life?

So, to summarise…

Yes, you can fall in love with someone online but only with the idea of who they are, not actually who they are.

I’d recommend meeting up first before you make any crazy commitments.


Well I have a long-distance relationship at the moment and we share our lives 24/7 on the phone video and audio so we did get to know each other and how we react and deal with things in live. So for me it’s definitely possible I even bring him to my work (on the phone) so he also knows how I’m reacting to things at work. I never did that with somebody I met in real life.
I can’t hardly wait for the moment we’ll meet in person but I’m sure there are no surprises for us.

@unityeagle I love you I know the time we spend connecting is far more close than what most experience in person. Our love grows each day as we get closer to the day we finally meet. To make it work requires total honesty. We have bared our souls to each other we have experienced the highs and lows to weather the storm. I love you @unityeagle thank you for being a part of my life.

Oh yes my love the almost two years we spend together are so amazing and goes beyond anything I ever shared with somebody in person. We share our raw and true self’s because our love for each other is unconditional and the most important lesson we learned is how to love ourselves unconditionally.
Love You Long Time xxx

Good luck guys - I hope you meet up soon! I think open and honest is the way forward :)

Thank you and I totally agree

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I believe you can! It may take a little more than love at first sight/type though to make things work. I talked to a girl for probably 3-4 months and we swapped pics along with day to day chatter. Picture it...Sicily...a crisp June wait that's another story!
This was back in 1996 before the likes of eHarmony on a very basic blah website that allowed you to find compatible relationships. They aren't even in business anymore ha!
Anyhow she shared almost identical interests to mine so that made it easier to talk to her immediately. It was kind of a serendipitous type of relationship where we kind of lived our daily
lives not really thinking about rushing into a relationship but forming that close friendship bond over our interests. We finally decided to meet in a public concert venue with some of our
favorite music playing. Both of us did bring a wingman to get us the hell out of there in case something didn't add up. We lived almost 300 miles apart so I had
some driving to do to see her. We listened to music that night, had enough to talk about to keep it interesting and in the end I gave her a long warm hug and we parted ways. I had to
get to work the next morning....300 miles away. The next day we went right back to talking about how great it was to see each other and wanted to get together again. I ended up driving
every weekend for the next 4 months and stayed at her place on the weekends. I do think it helps to "live" with someone and get to know them physically as that bonds you even closer BUT
having a lot in common got us there. As it turned out........I married the hell out of that woman (holding up a boombox)...20 years later and two beautiful teenage kids....our story was written.
I truly believe in compatibility. eHarmony and the like are even better today for that type of thing. If you want to weed out the weirdos, the alcoholics and the bullshit artists use the Internet, it can be a beautiful tool. For some it's as easy as running into their soulmate unexpectedly and others you have to dig deeper and work harder at it. I'm glad I dug.

"Developed" pic from her wingman the first night we met. Look at those awful matching stripes LOL. Gotta love the 90's! To my credit she still has her beautiful head on, unlike what her family thought was going to happen to her for meeting a stranger on the Internet.


Lovely story - and done so in true 90's picture style lol!

No man be safe and secure it's so much risky.

Like you, I met people online as far back as the 90s. My current relationship is with someone I met online in 2000. We now have a 14 yr old daughter. So, it does work sometimes!

I get what you're saying about having a different person in your head than the person at the other end of the connection, but I think we do that all the time, even with people we meet face to face.

@rachelsmantra points out that you have to get intimate with someone to really know them, but I think that even that doesn't cover all the bases.

Recently, there was a conservative politician (in Australia) who discovered child porn on her husband's computer. She alerted the police and divorced him. They had been married for years, had children together, but clearly now she knows that she never knew him. She had been living and sleeping with a man based on the model she had built in her head, who turned out to be not the man she thought he was.

We can never truly know another person; we are always acting on the model we have made in our own minds. It's just that with someone we have only met online, we have less information to fill in the grey areas. In any case, we are always going to be falling in love with our idea of who they are.

Good luck with your love life ;)

I liked this comment. Very thoughtful of you! I think we can, though. I mean if you're open and honest with each other then you get to know if your wife or husband is naturally sneaky. I am naturally sneaky and covert but I try to counter-balance that by as being as openly honest as I can

Yes ,
and more easily than in real life :)

I met my wonderful husband online😊

I agree that it's possible to fall in love over the internet but in my experience you never truly know how compatible you are until you:

(1) Have sex
(2) Live together

People put on a front all the time. Living together gives you insight into the daily little habits they do when no one is looking. It gives you insight into their values and how they were raised. Domestic compatibility is a huge part of relationship success.

With that said, I am still a huge fan of online dating but generally only as a means to meet locals. I know people though who have met online while living in different states, talked for 5 hours a day for three weeks, and are now living together seemingly very happy.

Thank you :) 'tis pretty much what I said summed up in 3 short paragraphs :)

So many great points- I literally feel like this was taken from my mind. Thanks for sharing love 💖

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