Is There Really a Secret to Finding Joy and Happiness?

in #life3 years ago

Who ever said that life is supposed to be easy? Every time I hear the word "achievement", I think of all the things I had to do to achieve my goals in life. The truth is, most people live life with little or no achievements at all. They have no true sense of achievement because they never set any goals to begin with. Guilt and rebellion then come into the picture.

When I hear the term "achievement" the first thing that comes to mind is getting a good job and making enough money to support my family. Yes, life is about making money and having things. But there are so many more things in life that one can do to have a true sense of fulfillment. If one does not set goals and evaluate their success in life, then they will always feel as if they have failed.

We all know there are many opportunities out there for us. Yet very few of us take advantage of those opportunities. This is because we are living life with little or no true goals and accomplishments. In addition, once you have achieved some level of success and have made a goal, you will automatically begin to feel guilty and worthless.

For one thing, it is important to have a life coach when you feel as though your life is not as it should be. Life coaches are people who truly understand the struggle that we all face. With their help, we can grow and mature to the point where we feel as though we have reached a level of success that we did not know was possible. A life coach can help to eliminate guilt and rebellion and move our life forward.

Another example is that many times, after achieving a certain level of success in life, many of us feel as if life is not complete without having more of the same things. This causes an even greater sense of dissatisfaction. Many people simply want more of everything, including more success. However, this is the exact opposite of what is needed in life.

Many times, as we continue to strive and work hard, we feel as though we are progressing and getting further away from our goals. We then start to feel even greater feelings of guilt and failure. The worst part is, these feelings only intensify since we feel as though we have failed many times before. This causes many of us to act out by thinking negative, depressing thoughts such as "I will never make it in my business or my job." These thoughts only increase our level of disappointment and grief.

Finally, one of the biggest causes for feeling depressed, discouraged, and hopeless is the fact that we spend too much time dwelling on what others say about us. For example, if someone says we don't measure up, we immediately begin to focus on how negative other people's comments are. This then perpetuates more negativity which continues to drive us further away from achieving our goals and dreams.

If we are looking for answers to the question, "whose life is it anyway?" we need to first eliminate all guilt and rebellion. For many of us, this requires making a major lifestyle change. For most, this involves getting rid of all unnecessary possessions so we can concentrate on doing the things we love. In addition, it means making a commitment to do whatever it takes to achieve and accomplish goals. Finally, it means committing yourself to do everything possible to learn, grow, and prepare yourself for a successful future.


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