From Fear and Paralysis to Positive Action

in #life3 years ago

If you are suffering from the paralyzing fear of parroting and fear of public speaking, then you must feel the effects of it. If you have tried numerous methods of overcoming the problem but it has not worked for you, then you must understand that it is not a problem at all, but rather a symptom. The root cause of the paralysis is from the fear of the unknown. Once you realize that the fear is not real, your paralysis will also go away. Here is a simple process that you can use to get rid of your fear and paralyze your paralyzing fear of parroting.

You need to first get your mind relax so that you can be prepared to parrot. When you have become relaxed, your mind would have the capability to analyze things. As you analyze things, you would see that the fear is just a symptom and not the real problem. It would just be like a false alarm.

After getting your mind relax, you must now start thinking positively. Think about any idea that you want to parrot. Always remember that parrots don't talk to only one person but to many people. By thinking positively, you are actually attracting more parrots to yourself because you are attracting the best within you. If you think about positive action, then you are actually preparing yourself to parrot some positive thoughts in front of others. That is a big step towards getting rid of your fear of parrot speaking.

Another important point that you must keep in your mind is that positive words bring positive results. Positive words like 'I am a bird', 'I have a beautiful house' or 'I am going to visit my friends' would definitely get the attention of others. If you don't say these positive words, then you will just look like a failed person trying to parrot words without meaning it. You must also focus on the message that you are trying to get across.

Always remember that parrots can only mimic what they see. So the first and most important tip here would be to teach your parrot to copy what you say using simple words. If you start off with 'I love you', then your parrot would eventually get used to saying those simple words. Try saying 'Good morning, how are you?' This is basically making the parrot to repeat his words.

The next thing that you must do is to teach your parrot to react to the sound and sight of words. If you want your parrot to speak, you must train it to speak using the words you say at a regular interval. In this way, you can even train it to say before and after the other words. This is very effective and should be done before you say any word. You can even use a metronome if you can afford to do so.

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