in #life7 years ago

This will be short sweet and very hard rant!

What the fuck is wrong with people now a days. Tonight I had 2 females trying to shoplift from my store. One was older and one was young. Come to find out the younger girl was the older girls daughter. Well I had the mom on video taking stuff and opening up the package and concealing the items in her purse. The daughter left the building and went to the car that was parked outside. The daughter got into the passenger side of the car, so I new she was going to be the get away driver. So I called the police department and they sent 2 patrol cars out to the store. Here is where this shit gets fucked up. So the police get there and the mother is still in the building and the daughter is still in the car. Well they apprehend the mother in the building, then they come to me and ask me what vehicle the other suspect is in, So I showed them. Well the police get the daughter out of the the car and start talking to her. I do not believe the daughter new what her mom was doing. Well the police decide to search the vehicle, inside the vehicle the police find methamphetamines and drug paraphernalia. So here is what happens, the mother gets arrested and then the police arrest the 16 year old daughter for possession of methamphetamines and drug paraphernalia. See in my state who ever is in the vehicle is the ones that get charged.


So you got a fucked mom who has managed to now fuck her daughter's life up for no other reason then being a fucking idiot.

Let me tell you this, if you as a mom or dad are gonna go out there and do some shady shit, leave your fucking kids at the house. This dumb ass meth head has now gotten her daughter into all kinds of shit. Just because she was fucking stupid. This kinda shit really pissed me off. You ain't getting the mother of the Year award for this shit bitch. Get a fucking life and some fucking sense or better yet give your kids to someone that can make good fucking decisions.

Sorry for the rant, but fuck, we got enough problems in this world. Our kids will have a hard of time with out us fucking them up before they even get started.


Doing your job ain’t always fun man. So good work! That deffo sux for the little girl, but mabey she’ll get some help as a result. As far as loser mom goes, she got what she deserves. Driving your kid around with Meth in the car while on a shoplifting spree = you’re not fit to be a parent. Fuck!

Couldn't agree with you more. Thanks dude.

This makes me think of the saying... "I hate most people..... The rest I haven't met yet". Stupid is as stupid does... People make no damn sense.

Well said buddy.

Ha! Perfect

that tattoo says winner all over it

Right? Who does That?

Whoa yea, that is some crazy unfairness! Thanks for the story!

Yeah it was. Thanks for stopping in.

Holy shit bro 😭 Poor kid 😔 Shitty law. Shitty mom. 😢 That bums me out. I better go smoke a doobie...

Thanks Vessel

That's shitty to hear. It's bad enough the mother has gone down that path, but to involve her young daughter is just totally irresponsible and unacceptable. I may lean more to the left in general but when it comes to raising kids I have a very conservative attitude. If you can't take care of yourself, you should not be having kids, period. Hope everything works out for your merchandise and the daughter

Agreed, yeah I got my stuff back. Thanks for stopping in

Wow! People these days. Poor girl. Hope she learns not to follow in mom's footsteps.

We can only hope and pray. Thanks papa for stopping by.

I agree whole heartedly. Common sense seems to not be so common anymore. Some people are just plain stupid. That is so sad that a daughters own mother would get her in that kind of trouble.

Messed up for sure.

Being from an economically depressed area, this is an all too familiar scenario. It sucks having to do what you did, but someone has to do it. And yes the system does fail some people. While it wasn't the daughters fault, she was statistically heading down the same path as her mom. Maybe this will somehow help her in the long run. Good rant!

Even a terrible job on the makeup to boot, I'm afraid to see what the daughters makeup is like.

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