When Have You Hit Rock Bottom? What Did You Do to Get Back Up Again?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Honestly I wouldn't say that I have been at rock bottom myself. I mean I've had some terrible stuffs happen to me in life and I've gone through some really terrible cases, so I think I know a thing or two-- from the outside looking in-- about hitting rock bottom, but I wouldn't say exactly that I've been at that place yet.

But like I said I do have some ideas, that is albeit third person, that I would nonetheless like to share.

First I'm going to be discussing the ways by which you can know when you've hit rock bottom and then I'm going to be discussing the way by which you can get out of that position. So first what exactly is rock bottom?


Rock bottom is the situation you find yourself in life when you're at the lowest point you can absolutely be. Of course most of the time it can be pinpointed to a certain aspect of your life but the effect is always so profound overall and with such high gravity that regardless of which area it is, it affects ALL other areas of your life and you know that you are at the absolute, absolute worst place you can be.

But there is also an advantage. Because like they say, when you hit rock bottom; when you're at the basest place you can ever be, then the only logical place you can go from there, is up! You can only go up from there you can't go down again and that is a sort of comfort that should drive you.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. First what are the ways by which you can know that you've hit rock bottom?

One: You Find Yourself Alone and Life Becomes Absolutely Hopeless.

Let's face it once you become an absolute fuck up in life, and even going down and down and spiralling out of control and finally we eat that rock bottom and I repeat nobody would want to be around you anymore. Not even your own friends not even your family not even the people you grew up with. So when you find yourself completely alone with everybody avoiding nobody to talk to, you know you've hit rock bottom.

Of course when this happens you find out you're overwhelmed by an absolute hopelessness of life. Because you see no prospect anywhere, you're sited on your bed all day you know every square inch of your house and can navigate your way with your eyes closed; and your last trip outside was to visit the delivery guy who brought you pizza. Then you know you've hit the great Rock Bottom.

Two: You Look Like Shit, You're Indifferent and Lazy, You Start to Hate the World and You Lose All Drive and Ambition

Let's face it, a person who has hit rock bottom will never look attractive. So when you find yourself looking shitty everyday with your hair all messed up and disheveled and your face all swollen and your bloated and you not having the strength or the will or the enthusiasm to freshen up at any time and you don't even want to get out of bed anymore and your only hobby is to hate the world and whatever freaking circumstances got you on this mess in the first place. When u start doing these you know you've hit Rock Bottom.

Sadly, too, a sign that you've hit rock bottom is that you do not want to ever try to attempt anything anymore. You find yourself defeated and you've given up. This is when you know you're at rock bottom. And ironically this is when you need to start trying the most. Why, you ask? Simple.


Like I said, at rock bottom you're down. At the lowest point in life. Meaning you can't go down anymore. Meaning you have absolutely NOTHING to lose. So the question at that point becomes not Why? but why not?

There's a high probability that anything you do at this point will will only get you higher. It doesn't matter if it's just a little progress, but whatever you do, whatever you attempt will never get you down because you're down already! And there's such a beauty in this assurance that you can never have anywhere but there, so you keep coming up, little by little, and the beautiful thing about this is that when you see yourself making progress you get motivated by this progress to keep on trying and when you keep on trying you keep on making even more progress and on and on in that cycle until you find yourself at a more colorful place in life!

Another way you can get up from rock bottom is by realzing that most of the time rock bottom is like mining gold. I know this is a funny analogy but it's actually funny when you think about. I say that mining gold because most of the times this grave that is called rock bottom is something that we normally dig ourselves into. Sure life throws shits at us but it is also equally important the way we choose to respond to the shit.

So when you find yourself at rock bottom it means that you've made some terrible and shitty life decisions. And you should realize that this should make you feel optimistic, and not the other way around!

Because you know that if really you got yourself into the mess, then you know its very possible that it is very much in your power for you to get yourself out of it! You may have struck good by hitting rock bottom, too. And this optimism is an important way to get out. Most of the successful people around are people who've known what true rock bottom is. But they didn't let it derail them. They let it inspire them and they not only got out they became better. You can do the same.

Also it helps greatly at that point to reminisce on your life, meditate and examine where everything went wrong, pick up a book, read, get inspired by people; by people's story-- people who have been in the same place you are-- find a new hobby if you can, get out of the house, push yourself to not be lazy, and with all this I'm sure it'll be more than possible to get back on your feet again and thrive!


Cheers and have a nice day.


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