The Value Of Our Life All Of Us Should Know About.

in #life5 years ago

Hello dear steemians. Good day to all.

I am going to share a different kind of thoughts in this post.
Read the full post please. And give a positive comment bellow. Do not blame me if you do not like my thoughts.

So let's get started.
Do you know what is the most valuable thing on earth?
The most precious thing in the world is called "life".
So if those, who reading my text are dying, will I be in great pain? Honestly I would not be hurt because I did not know you at first and you were not my relative, so there is no natural instinct to grieve (sorry… but that is true)! In your great death, I will just say "Rest In Peace" which will not beneficial to you, but It also reminds me that I must return to my Creator.
So the most valuable thing in the world is called "own life".

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How much is your life worth ??
Many times we feel that this life is not worthy anymore, it would have been better to die. How the life of everyone is sorted-out-smart and your life is as filthy as the egg of a horse; How much money and high class life does your friends got in the age like you and you have to satisfied with low class life.
How much do you think a cheap life might cost… 100 USD? 50 bucks? Totally worthless ?!

Let's do a test…. Let's change your life!

Look for a white polyethylene (you can find it when shopping or in the market) that will make your head fully covered; Now insert your head in the polythene in a very lonely room and press it in such a way that the air from the bottom can not get in or out (do not do it in front of anyone else in the house, or else you will get psychotic treatment).
Take a breath this time… .. you will slowly see that you are having trouble in breathing; Continue anyway!
Then you will see that the breath is getting heavier… .No Matter Still Continue!
Then one time the trouble will fill in… .but keep going!
When you feel that, inside of your mouth having unbearable pain… .then get out from the polyethylene !!!

You might think it's a deadly experiment to say, I think maybe someone has already using slang language to me (It's Quiet Simple) but trust me, this experiment will change your philosophy of life. Many times you hear a single motivational speak from someone on YouTube, does it really help ?? They like to share their words… and may find logic in their words… .an amazing filings are made in the mind… .Then the next night at the plate of food, if you see curry and one small cockroach where all those motions go. (The problem is not with those motivational speakers, but the problem is in the diaphragm of your mind; and I'm reconsidering that).
Tell me this time, how much is your life worth? Look at those polythene… you will see some drops of water of your breath inside the polyethylene and the droplet boiling water… .that is the value of your life. Believe me this is worth more than millions of money!

So this is high time to take set your mind, Are you end your life with or will you re-adjust your life to new thoughts with new dreams?

[Note that the above-mentioned people may be insensitive or may be in danger, so this is not for everyone. If you want to do this, hold a pin or something like that with you so that the polythene can be split. And if you have already been able to fill the value of your life by this stage of writing, then Fine ... You Have No Need To Experiment; Your Already prove your awesomeness. Excellent. Originally I told you to do the test only for your realization]

Value of life is not same to all, is it true?
Well your life and my life are equal?
If you student, you may get the pocket money from your father or mother - and think yourself about buy a mobile by saving money - work online with mobile - make big money - build a house - buy a car - then get a cute chok tip.jpg I mean a cute one (you know what
i mean) in your house, etc etc… .Then in the afternoon, after spending 10 USD in demand of stomach, break up your dream; Cute one is gone.

This time I have not write about my life but I am just talking about my monthly income (basic earning) is 150 USD (which is certainly in a lawful way but it is not relevant to know about the job).
So now what do you think "my life = your life" will cost you 150 bucks??
Not at all ... The value of your life is just as valuable to you as it is to me!
So don't be jealous of others and don't think you are worthless!

Solve all life's problems in a minute:
We all have different problems in our lives; Maybe you are upset because you do not have a Iphone X Max or Samsung Note 10 Plus mobile, but I am upset because, this rainy day I have no time to sleep.
Trouble is same to same… .you think my distress as luxury and I thought you are a small minded (just give an example).

Well, if you are afraid of ghosts at night, think of what the ghost will do to me; a ghost may kill you finally. But all of us have to die once. You can see, the ghost fear will be solved. If the ghost actually exist, it will not afraid you anymore.
Think you're in trouble with your girlfriend… .She can understand everything except you; Imagine that when you were created by God, your partner was created too, So you will find your perfect soulmate once.

Once I bought a brilliant book by Dale Carnegie and I read, "Always be prepared for the ultimate danger, so depression will never get you". And the ultimate danger of human beings is death. The fear of death alone can give you the gift of honesty and success in life as well.

So make some habits to live life happily:

  • Do not miss you prayers.
  • Do not leave your parents.
  • Get to walk every afternoon.
  • Do not tell a lie.
  • Read religious books.
  • Avoid every types of alcohol.
  • Do at least one good work.
  • Try to do a creative work.
  • Control your eyes from see someone better than you. always look which is lower than you.
  • If you are in a relationship, control yourself and eyes to meet up other. It will help you to avoid break up.
  • Avoid porn or living relationship. It will defect your soul and mind setup.

Be good, stay with good.
Thanks to all.


This post has received a 20.7 % upvote from @boomerang.

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