One Change Will Produce Wealth

in #life6 years ago

One thing is certain,if you stick to changing your thought pattern about money and wealth,you'd experience massive upsurge in money and financial success. The Bible book of Proverbs states that as a man thinks,so is he. That means if I begin to think like a billionaire, then my life has no choice but to produce it. Where you are today is a collection of the thoughts you has yesterday; where you go tomorrow is based on your thoughts today.
If you think like the 10% who are wealthy, in a matter of time,you will be part of the 10%. But if you continue to think like the rest 90% which represent the average person,you will remain average. You will live a life of barely enough and just enough. But if you start thinking like a billionaire, you'd step out of your poverty into the abundance God planned for you.
There are specifically five things in particular in which the really rich ones think differently to the rest of us.


The rich ones amongst us think differently about what money is for. For us,money is a means to getting things. But they see money as a means to invest, a seed to be down. For us, we need money to buy a bigger closet,house,a bigger TV and a nicer car. To them,it is tool to make more money with. We get emotionally attached to money while they are so detached to it since it is just a means to an end. We use the little we have to buy things, while they use the money on them to get an abundance and then buy stuffs from the abundance.
The average person buys out of lack while they buy out of their abundance. As soon as we get some extra money, we look to where we can spend it. The rich immediately look to where they can invest it. We get a raise and right away we go out with the boys or girls and have a nice time. We get some new clothes since we now can afford them now. The rich,having a plan,sees any unexpected wind of money as a catalyst,as it speeds up their plan. We buy today,pay a lot more tomorrow. They invest today,buy a lot more tomorrow.


The average Joe out there sees investing as something he does just to have enough to retire,while the really rich see it as something to give them an abundance. We invest in retirement plans and a little dabble into the stock market. Whereas they see it as a major priority where we take it lightly.

Our thoughts about these things is what distinguishes us from them. They actively read about money,investing, and business, where the average guy attributes their successes to luck.

Where we think that getting a job is key to having loads of money,to them a job is a trap,a stranglehold on the creative powers they have.

You need to understand that no employer will make you rich. It is not your employer's job to make you rich. It is your own job. You job won't make you rich. In fact, there's a management theory that goes like, "workers work just hard enough to not get fired, and managers pay just enough so workers won't quit."

Get it clear,it is your personal responsibility to be rich,not your employer's job. To some folks,getting a job is everything, especially if you live you in a country where there's is a high rate of unemployment. It is a crowning achievement. To those who are rich or planning to be so,job is a means to an end. In fact, Donald Trump said if he lost everything he has,what he'd do is to get a job so he can have a source of income to start investing again.

Where we are scheming how to get a good, high paying job with excellent benefits, the rich ones are scheming how to create jobs. See the difference? It is in out thought pattern.


The average person out there is just so very scared of risk taking and all. To him,taking risks is a matter of death and life. Almost a mission impossible. They think,why take risks when you can just be okay with what you have? In their quest for security,they sacrifice freedom,wealth, peace and fulfilment for scarcity,even though not willingly. They are so scared of losing the little they have that they don't look beyond that to the most probable option of making much more,discovering much about life and finding happiness,love and fulfillment. They are like that farmer who is so afraid to plant his seeds because they may not grow,or they get stolen when ripe,or get destroyed by pests.
Unlike the rest of us,the rich know that if they don't take risks,they are done for. In a world of rapid fire change and unprecedented happenings,taking risks -calculated though is the most natural thing you can do,to not just survive but to thrive.

We just cannot allow the fear of the unknown and known set the boundaries of our life and existence. We can't afford to let fear dominate us through our actions. If you ask the average guy why he doesn't start a business,he tells you that there's a 90% probability of all new companies going bankrupt during their first ten years. The rich doesn't argue with this "fact". All he says is, "I just need to start ten business and one will go boom".

We must prepare ourselves for life. Look,no one has a crystal ball,a cocksure methodical or magical way of knowing the future and what it brings with it,but you can position yourself in such a way that you are not swept away by the tides and events that course through life, but well prepared and positioned to take advantage of these cataclysmic events and ride of their wings to the top you can get to.

Remember, the farmer who takes into consideration the weather conditions, will never sow...since the planting season isn't what your harvest will look like. If you wait for perfect conditions to take a step, you'd wait for forever. And the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria have a saying that goes thus : "He who waits for when the crab will sleep,he'll stay for long at the riverbank".


Have you ever heard the phrase,"Time is money"? The rich take that literally. They value their time more than they do all they money pilled up in an offshore account. Where we try to bargain $20 off a deal for an hour,they look at it as a crazily awesome opportunity to buy a hour for just $20. Then they go ahead to spend that hour pursuing a million-dollar deal. See the difference? To us,life is measure by money,to them it is time.

Actually,if you look at it more closely,you'd discover that your life is a massive collection of chunks of time,a second here and there and your life is all so summed up.
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You have to come to the point where you conclude that you will no longer engage yourself in trivialities. The really really rich don't spend hours watching TV and movies like you and I do. No they don't! And it is high time you and I change our orientation about what's more important in life : money or time.

Well,you now can see how the rich ones,billionaires, think differently than us. That's what makes them rich. It is not the money,it is the thought pattern. And we both will do well to acquire such since one change can produce great wealth!


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