Hang In There : It's Always Too Soon To Quit.

in #life7 years ago

When you have a problem,one that is especially difficult and baffling, maybe even terribly discouraging, there's one thing to do over and over again. It is simply - hang in there. It is always too soon to quit.
To give up on a task or on your dream is to invite absolute defeat. In fact,giving up not only affects the matter at hand, it does far more worse than that. It tends to develop a defeat psychology …building defeat into your consciousness, making you accept it as normal.

Better than quitting is to face the problem from another angle,another perspective. If that also does not work,try again and again until you find the key to the situation. It is usually the last key that opens the door. But if you stop trying after the first trial,you'll never enter into the joy of success and achievement.

We all have heard of people who had goals and objectives. They worked...they struggled... they thought…they planned…they prayed. But,just because the going was hard,they grew tired and discouraged and finally they quit. Afterwards, they get to discover that had they persevered just a little longer,they would have achieved the desired goal.
Never Talk Defeat

So you ask, "how can I develop this non-quitting, undefeatable attitude?" Well,for starters, never talk defeat. Doing so is to talk yourself into acceptance of defeat. For you become your words. Any man is the an total of all his thoughts and words,conscious or unconscious, knowingly or not. You will eat the fruit of your lips.

Choose to change your words and thoughts to meet every challenge in a positive, constructive way. And remember : It is too early to quit.

In all honesty,your chances of really getting where you want to go in life,of achieving all your goals is often hinge on your reaction to some shattering setback. When God wants to bless you,He gives you the blessings, but wraps them with difficulties. Just like my Pastor would say, "for every new level,there's a new devil. You need to win for you to be promoted in life".

Will you give up or will you keep on trying? It is as simple as that. You decide what your choice will be. And your decision invariably decides your future.

"The Quitter", by Robert W. Service.

It's the plugging away that will win you the day,
So don't be a piker, old pars!
Just draw on your grit; it's so easy to quit:
It's the keeping-your-chin-up that's hard.
It's easy to cry that you're beaten- and die;
It's easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight when hope's out of sight -
Why, that's the best game of them all!
And though you come out of each grueling bout,
All broken and beaten and scarred,
Just have one more try - it's dead easy to die,
It's the keeping-on-living that's hard.
The Principle of Perception

To the effective, the whole idea of persisting and hanging in there, must be supported by the principle if perception and the power that comes from it.

What does the principle of perception mean? When a man is defeated in his mind or is overwhelmed by a self-defeating situation, he needs perception - he needs to see the situation from another angle. He should and must perceive the inner cause of his defeat. He must cultivate his inner powers. He needs to get into the understanding of himself, for more than often, the outer world is the physical manifestation of the inner world.

It is a fact that people make a mess of their lives,in part at least do so as a result of their unorganized inner self. They lack insight of who and what they are. They are their own worst enemy. The enemy is within.

If you don't know yourself,you will never experience that power that propels and projects people to greatness and success.

When you start to realize the potential within yourself,you become empowered to release it,develop it, and actualize it into successful performance. You begin to experience a sense of strength, a feeling of adequacy. And that will mame you overcome the challenge.

So,to round up,here is a wrap up of what I've said all through.

1. Never quit attacking a problem. Always hang in there.
**2. Adopt the motto, "It's always too soon to quit." Keep on trying.
3. Use positive words. Never talk defeat.
4. Learn to know yourself. Know the real person deep within you.
5. Don't let circumstances defeat you. With your mind,control circumstances. You can if you think you can.

God bless you…and see you at the top.


Nice article. We should never give up and keep going.

Thanks man

That is some very interesting content! You gained a new follower, and hopefully I will gain one too!
Be sure to always keep innovating and continue with that type of content!

Lol. Thanks for following. I'll do same for you. And about content innovation,I'll try my best to be consistent with good content.

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