"I'm ready to free myself"- Message of the day - Feb 4th 2018

in #life7 years ago

Some days you can't do anything else but some gentle yoga, try to meditate and sleep almost all day because your head hurts so bad. And this is a lesson of accepting what is without adding frustration or other negative feelings.

That's what happened to me yesterday.

I missed a yoga training with my colleagues and I was not able to post anything here. The only explanation I have is that I'm sensitive to the changes in atmospheric pressure (I checked and it was way lower than the normal one).

Other days you feel better and full of energy. Like I feel today. These are the moments when you realise good health and a painless body are not a given. So you feel even more grateful for being able to move and do things as usual.

Without further ado, the 3 keys I received for today are:





The Soul Solution for a potential pitfall caused by feeling overwhelmed by an environment or a person:

"The more present you are in your body the easier for you to navigate through overwhelming situations. Remember you have the right to walk away from harmful situations or people."

The Louise Hay card I picked up is:

"I am ready to free myself."


And on the back of the card it says:

I give others the freedom to experiment whatever is meaningful to them, and I'm free to create what is meaningful to me."

Releasing, letting go, allowing others to experience whatever they want in their life is a tough lesson.

I guess this one is very challenging for parents when their children start to have their own opinions and desires.

But I can recognise it in myself too, even if I'm not (yet) a parent. And I guess it comes from the fact that our parents imposed their views and beliefs on us because they thought that was the best for us.

And if we receive this type of "love" then we are prone to manifest the same traits in our adult relationships.

We think we're doing this for their own good.

But who am I to know what's good for another adult? Who am I to impose anything upon another person?

This is a good reminder especially when we see a loved one doing stuff that is obviously harming them, like drinking too much, working too many long hours, eating junk food, not exercising or God knows what else!

It's difficult and painful to watch someone you love destroying their health no matter how many times you tried to help them. But, they are free to experience whatever they choose and need, and we can be there for them when they wake up and reach out to us.

In love and light!


Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
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nice message full of motivation, i agree with you yoga help us in beat stress, anxiety and depression without popping pills, regular exercise make us mentaly and physically fit

thank you for sharing your thoughts @hussnain!

I think I should start doing yoga too, I feel that I am getting on a hard time both physical and psychical :D

I just can't find motivation to do anything with my life anymore...

@mejustandrew sorry to hear you're in a low energy state these days.
Yes, your idea is very good, if you're feeling low do any kind of physical exercise, yoga, running or simply walking in the park at a fast pace will get your energy moving and make you release some good chemicals that will improve your mood. The difficult thing when in such a state is to make yourself start that activity, at least that's how it is for me.
From my experience with these episodes what helped me was to choose a minimum action that would make me break the pattern of negative thoughts. For example: if I can't find the motivation to go out in the park then I can at least walk to the door and put my shoes on. Chances are once there I'll feel like I can take another tiny step, like going out the door. And once there I can take another tiny step...you get my point.
The thing is to trick yourself into doing something because once you get started you'll start feeling better and gain momentum. So start with the tiniest act of moving, you got this!

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