"I love myself and I approve of myself"- Message of the day - Feb 5th 2018

in #life7 years ago

Let's cut right to the chase with the 3 keys I received for today:



Letting go


The Soul Solution for a potential pitfall caused by issues with my physical body:

"Breathe and centre yourself. Focus on what you can do to help and sustain the natural healing process. Stay calm and observe what is needed each moment without giving into the stories of the mind."

The Louise Hay card I picked up is:

"I love myself and I approve of myself."


And on the back of the card it says:

I appreciate everything I do. I am good enough exactly as I am. I say what I have to say. I ask what I want. I reclaim my power."

I think it's the second time I pick up this card in the last month or so. I didn't check the January challenge but I'm pretty sure I picked it up already.
If one card comes again as a #messageoftheday then I need to pay more attention to its message.

So I'll go through each statement and check where I stand. You can do the same exercise. No judging, no blaming, just observing where we're at right now.

I love myself and I approve of myself. It's clear to me I'm not yet madly in love with myself as the wonderful Lisa Nichols teaches us in her videos.
Now that I'm talking about her you might wanna check out this video of hers, it's all about how to practically love yourself.

I love how she says: "Before anything else today my job is to love Lisa!"

I appreciate everything I do. I've made some progress from not being satisfied with anything I did to expressing appreciation for the stuff I do well. So, work in progress.

I am good enough exactly as I am. This is a big one for me. A few months ago I've written on my bathroom mirror "I am enough" after I watched a talk of another awesome, inspiring woman Marisa Peer.

Here's the talk. And don't be shy in writing "I am enough" wherever you feel like around your home if you too need to hear this message as much as I needed it. :)

I say what I have to say &I ask what I want. If I look at my twenty something self, yes I made a lot of progress in these areas. Can I get better? Of course!

I reclaim my power. This one is the fuzziest right now for me. I know I need to do this, but it's not yet clear how I can practically do this in my daily life. I'll look into it and come back when I'll gain more insights.

How do you "score" at loving and approving of yourself?

In love and light!


Hi, I'm Raluca. Freelance copywriter, currently going through a Yoga Teacher Training. I have an educational background in communication and psychology. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.
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I totally concur with u and right now I have effectively found self esteem isn't my childishness its simply that I regard myself!!..

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