Day 12 - Let Your Shower Be Your Zen Power - 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

in #life8 years ago

Day 12

I've noticed there are two types of people on Earth:

  • "the long shower" type = those who love to take their time in the shower and bubbly hot baths
  • "the quick shower" type = those who finish their shower in about 2 to 5 minutes.

I fall into the first category. And I'm constantly surprised at how quickly my boyfriend gets out of the shower. Obviously he's a "quick shower" type.

Anyhow, I love taking long showers and feeling like all the stress from the day is going down the drain. I like relaxing in the bathtub until the skin on my fingers gets that weird wrinkly look. I even read in the bathtub.

I am aware that our planet doesn't have unlimited clean water resources so I'm trying to reduce my water waste. I'm shortening my showers and just spending more time in the bathtub. I figured this one is more eco-friendly.

Ecological implications left aside, if you are a "long-shower" person you'll enjoy today's task more than if you are a "quick shower" one.

Day 12 - Let Your Shower Be Your Zen Power

How to take a mindful shower in 5 scientifically proven steps to enhance your zen super-powers, according to a study made by a team of researchers in Bucharest. :)

Step #1: take off your clothes.

Step #2: turn on the water at the temperature You enjoy most. Not too cold, not too hot, You know that sweet spot where You like it best.

Step #3: get into the bathtub​ or shower cabin, and slowly, I repeat, v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.l.y get under the running water as if You were taking a shower for the first time. If it helps, imagine You've been hit by a selective amnesia that wiped off all your previous memories with showers.

Step #4: be very aware of every inch of your skin that gets under the water. Notice the sensations that arise on different parts of your body as the water touches them.

Step #5: Of course Your mind will start rambling in a few seconds, and all your attention on the body will be hacked by much more important things like "Hmm, my stomach feels funny...I shouldn't have eaten that second dessert ​at lunch...tomorrow I'll go jogging...ugh, I need new running shoes...". As You notice this, come back to the sensations on your skin. And as You drift off again, come back to feeling your body. Again. You get the drill. Breathe deeply. Enjoy your first zen shower.

Advanced pro tip: When you start using soap or shower gel to clean your body, use the same amnesia tip. Notice the sensations in your hands as you pour the shower gel. Then feel every inch of your skin that gets soapy. When rinsing, try to notice how it feels when the foam leaves your body.

Congratulations! You've just become at least 13,42% more zen. And 100% cleaner.

Joke aside, this simple action of bringing your attention to your skin in contact with water is a simple, free, easy to do meditation, that will hack your crazy mind and connect You with the present moment.

Thus you'll be a tiny bit more mindful. Which is what we're trying to do here with every exercise of the 30 days challenge.

Have fun and enjoy your zen, mindful shower today!

image source Pixabay

I'm a psychologist, intuitive coach, blogger and vlogger. You can find me mainly on my blog at Being Raluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening and sexuality. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @raluca.

Raluca Popescu


I think I enjoyed my zen showers many times without knowing it! Thanks for sharing this amazing post! People should follow you!

Thank you for your feedback, happy to hear you are a zen-shower-natural :)

I don't know if I'm a natural zen-shower, but I can tell you for sure that I really enjoyed reading your post!

I've never had a zen shower, once I get my shower sorted I will give it a try Thank you :)

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