Why are people afraid of approaching new topics

in #life6 years ago


Well, there are many reasons, like not feeling prepared or being afraid of saying something stupid, but one of the major ones is the fear of being criticized for your personal opinions about certain things.

For example, I recently wrote an article talking about how people should learn how to keep God to themselves and not mention Him in every article or video they find, mainly because nobody cares about their belief or what they think about God.

This kind of article could attract a lot of hate from a lot of people, and it's understandable that those who just started publishing on a certain website don't want to start the wrong way and get the unwanted attention of someone that could make things hard for them.

The thing is that not approaching new topics, not sharing your opinion and just saying what other people are saying will only make you boring. Why would anyone read your articles if you can consume the exact same type of content on other websites?

We're unique as people because we think differently, because we like other things and because we dislike what others like. That makes us different and that's why we're interesting, because we're not all the same.

With that in mind, creating the same type of content others create out of fear of being criticized or accused of something is not gonna help you achieve anything. Saying what you have to say however, and sharing your opinions and seeing if there are others who agree with you, that may get you something.

Of course, you're gonna have to find ways of doing that in a respectful way. Being a complete jerk and just insulting everything you don't like or understand will only make you look like an idiot. So, you still need to be careful with how you say things.

But the most important thing is for you to understand that being different is pretty much the main reason others will be interested in what you have to say, and that's why, if you want the attention of people, being criticized and receiving hate is a risk you should take.

So, look at your content, try to figure out if you're happy with it or not, don't lie to yourself, and if you hate what you do but you're afraid of trying something new, well, then you're gonna have to choose between remaining irrelevant and similar to everyone else, or taking a risk and being unique.

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