The way I deal with laziness

in #life7 years ago


We all know hard is sometimes to just wake up in the morning, go to work and take care of the projects you need to finish. It's too early, you're too tired, hungry and you'd love to spend the rest of the day playing video games, watching movies, reading or watching a TV show.

I understand that really well, because I'm working every single day on all kind of things, and I'm not always motivated to wake up and start doing what I need to do. Sometimes I don't want to write any article for Steemit or work on design packages. Sometimes all I want is to not do anything for the entire day and play video games until I can't keep my eyes open.

The problem with this kind of laziness is that it's really harmful to you and to your work. It's okay to feel lazy and maybe take a break every two weeks or every month. However, when you feel like you don't want to do anything every single day, your work may suffer and the quality of your content may drop.

I tried many methods to get rid of this laziness and to have all the motivation I need every single day, but nothing worked. The main reason is that motivation is not the key. Being motivated is a temporary state that will make you feel like working a lot and making a lot of progress. It works for a few hours or even a few days, but it usually disappears pretty fast.

That's why I decided to ignore everything around me when it comes to how lazy i feel about work and just do what I must do without thinking too much about it. For example, I woke up a few hours ago, ate something and drank some coffee, and now I'm writing this. I don't want to write this, because I would rather play something for the rest of the day or work on other things that I like doing.

However, I must publish two times a day on Steemit. So how did I get rid of the laziness that wanted me to do everything but work? I didn't. It's still there. I just ignored it, didn't think too much about it and just started to work.

You see, we love to pay a lot of attention to things that don't matter, things that won't affect our life in any way but that make us feel good. One of the best examples would be waking up in the morning. We're all tired and we would all love to spend just 5 more minutes in bed, that will transform inevitably in at least one hour.

But if you don't think about how tired you are and if you avoid doing what makes you feel good, you can just open your eyes, jump out of bed no matter how tired you are and start your day. It's easier than you think. You don't spend any time thinking about how you feel and you just do what you're supposed to be doing.

It's the same with work. Whenever I feel too lazy to do anything or whenever I feel like I'd rather play video games, I just open the software I need in order to do what I'm supposed to and I just do it. I don't think about it, I don't think about video games or relaxing, I just do what I need to be doing and that's it.

Doing this allows me to always make progress and to not waste my time thinking about what I would rather do. Plus, once I start working I get motivated to do more and more until I'm done with everything I need to do. Only then I can start doing what I like and play as many video games as I want.

This "method" it's a little... let's say "forced". You force yourself to do something even tho you don't feel like it, and I would agree that in some circumstances that isn't good. However, if you like what you do and if laziness is what's keeping you from doing it, then forcing yourself to work by not thinking about anything and just doing it may help you make more progress than you expect and always finish your work faster.


I can sympathize with this article for sure. If I want to create content for a steemit post, even every other day, I have to push myself to do it. My tendency is to login to steemit and curate, rather than create content for posts. I have to focus and ignore the distractions to just do it and learn to enjoy it. Not that it's not enjoyable, it's just that there are more enjoyable things I would prefer to do instead. What a problem to have. :-)

Thanks for the post. I needed to hear it this morning. @ironshield

Glad I could give you a small dose of motivation! :)

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