Learn how not to worry

in #life7 years ago


If there's something that annoys me about my family is the fact that everyone is worried about something. It doesn't matter the situation, someone in the family has to come to either my parents or sometimes even me to complain. In the worst scenario they just gather all in the same place to "discuss" things.

The reason that annoys me is that I do not see the logic behind worrying. Some people do it because that's how they are, but it's not an excuse to spend your time thinking about what could happen instead of thinking of a solution for your problem or trying to get help from someone who is capable of doing something.

One of the simplest examples would be the store my mother works in, where the boss is constantly worrying about how sales are going and not having enough money. I'm pretty sure the store will close soon, and it's silly how everyone complains but no one tries to do anything to improve the state of the store. Relocating, better advertising, high quality products. Those are just small and simple solutions to the big problem they have.

However, instead of focusing on that and instead of trying to actually do something to change the way things are, they just sit down complaining about what they're gonna do when everything will stop working. Will they have to close? Will they have to do something else? Should they open another store or just give up?

Observing their behavior for years I decided to never worry too much about something and instead focus on solving all my problems and think about rational solutions to make things right. If I worry because I don't have enough money, then all I have to do is get on Google and search for solutions.

I can either start working online on all kind of things, like writing, design, programming, selling things, helping people with all kind of situations, or I can search for jobs around the area where I live.

Same thing if I have a sick relative. Instead of wasting hours thinking what could happen or if that relative could die, I could easily just get in contact with my doctor, ask if there's something I can do, ask for different opinions, make sure that relative has everything he or she needs and wait for something to happen.

It's always more important to be useful and to do something that actually matters when it comes to your situation than to sit around, worried, waiting for the worst to happen. Worrying won't improve your situation and won't solve any of your problems. Taking action will.

So, next time you have a reason to worry about something, take a step back, relax for a second and start analyzing things. What can you do, how can you do it and how fast can you solve the problem? Think about solutions, ask people for help and find different ways to change what's wrong. That will always be a lot more useful than sitting around hoping for nothing bad to happen.

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