Explain the inexplicable only to yourself

in #life5 years ago


Gravity is the force by which planets draw objects towards their center.

Food can be described as being anything nutritious that people or animals have to eat or drink in order to maintain themselves alive.

Similar definitions can be found when it comes to a lot of elements present in our day to day life. There are multiple scientific explanations for many things in our life, explanations that helped us understand truths that our lives revolve around.

But there are also things that cannot be explained by science. One of those things could be the existence of God. There's no proof that God exists, except a lot of people believing in such an entity, yet it is taken, by many, as a general truth that should be widely accepted.

But it isn't. I am no religious person, but I do desire that a God exists, and I kinda believe in such an entity, mostly out of desire. However, I'm aware that most people have a good reason for not believing in God, and that reason is lack of proof.

Thing is, when it comes to things like God, or a certain lifestyle, or the purpose of life in general, there isn't a way to explain those things to people in order to convince them that what you say it's true, the main reason being that just because you think something's real, or good, it doesn't mean you're right.

So then, what do you do about such things? You believe in them, you can explain them to yourself, yet others don't seem to see anything the way you do.

The simplest solution is to keep your "revelations" and explanations to yourself and not share them with others expecting them to agree with you. Trying to convince others that the way you see things is the right way is not always gonna help. Trying to tell people that you see something they don't, also won't always help.

We can take as an example a piece of art, a picture of a white canvas, with a red square in the middle.

Does that picture mean anything?

The simplest answer is - it depends. It may mean something to you. It may mean something completely different to me. It may mean nothing to other people.

Thing is, it's extremely easy for anyone to find meaning where there isn't. Here we can take God into consideration, or art, or music, or anything similar. It is undeniable that food is a part of our life, one we cannot live without. It's not the same with art. We know what the meaning of eating is, but we don't always know what the meaning of art is.

Explaining the inexplicable, telling people that you see something where there isn't really anything to see except only what's generated by your imagination, feelings or perceptions, won't always make others accept whatever you say as being truth, even if those truths are real to you.

It may be nice to have conversations with people who have the same ideas as you, but it isn't nice to try to convince people that what you say is real. That's why keeping your explanations of the inexplicable to yourself may be, at times, the best thing you can do.

We all see something when there's nothing to see once in a while. Dark may simply mean the absence of light for some people. For others, dark is evil, the representation of everything that is wrong. Other people like the dark and consider it good, a way for them to hide and to be away from everything that wants to hurt them.

A red square on a white canvas may mean life in the middle of nothingness, or passion in an empty life. For other people, a red square on a white canvas is nothing but a red square on a white canvas. Or, simply put, a bad painting.

Not everything has a meaning, but everything can have a meaning to you if you really want it. But that doesn't mean your meaning applies to everyone else. Other people may not see what you see, and they will deny whatever you think is true. It doesn't mean your interpretation of something is wrong. It simply means that sometimes, you should explain the inexplicable to yourself, and keep your explanations secret, because not everyone will understand them.

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