Care less

in #life7 years ago


I've been called an ignorant many times by many people. This is mostly due to the fact that I don't really give a crap about a lot of things people think are important. I don't really give a crap about politics no matter how much I should, I don't really give a crap about what's politically correct according to a certain amount of people and I certainly don't give a crap about 90% of the things people are interested in.

That makes me an ignorant but it also makes my life easier and it helps me keep my mind focused on important activities that can help me improve my life. I believe more people should learn how to be ignorant towards things that either don't influence their own life or don't have any negative impact on the world as we know it.

For example, there's a huge difference between caring about what some politician is doing that can destroy the life of a lot of people, or how certain hospitals take care of their patients and caring about something a guy said on the Internet.

The world as we know it gets worse and worse because of all the sensible people out there who get mad no matter what you say. If you want to talk about black people and you're saying they are "black" someone out there will come to you and scream in your face (or through the help of a keyboard because we all know how easy is to become a keyboard warrior) that you shouldn't call black people black, because that's racist.

One of the main problems we're facing in this era is that the Internet not only offers us the possibility to grow and learn new things, but it also exposes us to the stupidity of a lot of people. I never said this generation is filled with people who can't think accordingly and that people in the past were smarter - it's simply easier to find stupid people these days because almost everyone has access to this thing we call "the Internet".

Too many people care about others who have absolutely no impact on anything important. We care about YouTubers who are doing stupid things and we spend hours defending or accusing them in the comment section of any video we dislike or Social Media, we care about what everyone says and we're doing our best to correct anyone who's "wrong" or, better said, who doesn't see things as we do, and we're always ready to have a "fight" with anyone if that means defending our own opinion.

People don't know how to not care any more. Why give a crap about what a guy you don't even know said about your religion, your favorite game, favorite music or anything you like or you're part of? How is his opinion influencing the things you like? How are your favorite things less enjoyable because some guy thinks they are crap?

We just love being right and we love "fighting" with people, even if that means doing it over a bunch of stupid things. It's wrong, mostly because that wastes a huge part of our time and once in a while it can even make our day worse. That shouldn't happen, especially because of someone who doesn't have the necessary intelligence to mind his own business.

People will always talk shit and share their opinion no matter what. Some people will openly say they hate certain religions, certain people or type of people, that they don't like a politician or a set of rules, that they hate those who are fat or those who are too skinny, and so on. Their opinion won't influence the way things are and what they say is more than often irrelevant. Learn how to care less and stop trying to intervene. Just mind your own business and let them say whatever they want.

If they criticize your religion, it doesn't mean your God is gonna be mad that you didn't punch them in the face. Keep believing in whatever you believe and let anyone say whatever they want. If you like a certain YouTuber, game, movie or character and someone says they suck, it doesn't mean the things you like will suddenly become bad. It's just the opinion of a person who doesn't like something you like. If someone criticizes you for the way you look or how much you weight, their opinion won't suddenly determine how your life actually is. There are lots of people out there - some will like the way you look, some won't. It's just how things are.

Learn how to care less and how to not give a crap about what people say in 90% of the cases or about what happens in the world unless it's something really important that should be changed or that has a negative impact on other people. This will probably make you happier, it will help you relax more and not be stressed about whatever people have to say, and it will give you more time to take care of the things you love doing.

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