Everyday I Carry Challenge! (Bilingual English-Indonesian)

in #life7 years ago

Hallo Steemian!
Everyone has personal items they always carry with them every day. Personal items include wallets, watches, hand phones, bracelets, house keys, motorcycle keys, and others. Of course there are many more personal items that we always carry.

Everyone has different personal belongings. Its can be caused by work, hobbies, and personality.

In terms of work, for example a true steemian always carries a laptop with him, and can often be found in the corner of a coffee shop while typing on their laptop. However, for teachers they probably always carry a small bag containing chalk to write on blackboard.

While in terms of hobbies, for example someone who like to listen to the music will definitely carry a headset anywhere they go.

So also with the personality, for example someone who tends to always perform perfectionist, predictably they often bring a comb anywhere.

Well, the priority level of each person's things to carry is different to one and another. There are people who always prepare wallets, hand phones, watches when they want to go somewhere everyday. There are also different sequences of things they carry.

Now, I want to challenge all steemians to share about "The things everyday I carry".

The goal is just for fun with other Steemians. Also, hopefully can share the other story later.

Okay. I will start "The things everyday I carry" challenge!

Black Baseball Cap.
Fladeo Shoes made in Indonesia
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 pro RAM 2GB
Charger Xiaomi 2A
Motorcycle Key Yamaha New Jupiter Z1
Casio F-108WH watch
Samsung Headset
House key Soligen
Seventyfour wallet
Water Bottle KL-YES souvenirs
Eiger diary bag Omega 22L

That's the stuff I almost carry every day with. Among all that I am most prioritized are the wallet, phone and Watch. When I had forgotten one of the three things, it must quickly turn around and go back home to pick it up.

Okay, that's it. Come on Steemian! Try this challenge!

Do not forget the comment and give me some suggestions.

Hallo Steemian!
Setiap orang memiliki barang-barang pribadi yang selalu mereka bawa bersama setiap harinya. Barang-barang pribadi meliputi dompet, jam tangan (masa jam dinding), hand phone, gelang, Kunci rumah, kunci sepeda motor, kunci hati (ehh ga deng), dan lain-lain. Tentunya masih banyak lagi barang-barang pribadi yang selalu kita bawa.

Setiap orang memiliki barang pribadi yang berbeda-beda. Faktornya bisa disebabkan oleh pekerjaan, hobi, dan kepribadian.

Dalam segi pekerjaan, misalnya seorang stemiaan sejati selalu membawa laptop bersamanya, dan sering bisa ditemukan di pojokan warung kopi sedang sibuk mengetik. Tetapi, bagi seorang guru mungkin yang selalu dibawanya adalah tas kecil berisi kapur tulis (ala-ala tahun 80-an).

Sedangkan dari segi hobi, misalnya seseorang yang hobi mendengar musik pasti akan membawa headset kemana saja dia pergi.

Begitu juga dengan kepribadian, misalnya seseorang yang cenderung selalu tampil perfeksionis, bisa ditebak mereka sering membawa sisir kemana-kemana.

Nah, tingkat prioritas barang setiap orang juga berbeda-beda. Ada orang yang selalu menyiapkan dompet, kemudian Hand phone, lalu jam tangan ketika ingin beraktivitas sehari-hari. Ada juga yang berbeda urutannya.

Sekarang, saya ingin menantang kawan stemiaan untuk berbagi tentang "The things everyday I carry" - Barang-barang yang setiap hari saya bawa.

Tujuannya ya sekedar canda tawa dengan teman-teman Steemian lainnya. Juga, diharapkan bisa berbagi-bagi cerita lain nantinya.

Oke, langsung saja. Saya akan mengawali"The things everyday I carry" challenge!

Topi baseball Cap warna hitam.
Sepatu short espadrilles Fladeo.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 pro RAM 2GB
Charger Xiaomi 2A
Kunci Sepmor Yamaha New Jupiter Z1
Jam tangan Casio F-108WH
Headset Samsung
Kunci rumah merek Soligen
Dompet merek Seventyfour
Botol minum KL-YES souvenir
Tas Eiger diari Omega 22L

Itulah barang-barang yang hampir setiap hari saya bawa. Diantara semua itu yang paling saya prioritaskan adalah dompet, Handphone dan Jam tangan. Ketika sempat lupa satu dari tiga barang tersebut, rasanya harus cepat-cepat putar "stang" dan balik ke rumah untuk mengambilnya.

Oke, itu saja. Ayo teman-teman Steemian! Coba tantangan ini!

Jangan lupa kritik dan saran. Upvote juga ya :)



Great but too short and I heard suggestion from another legend users. Minimum photo for one post is 3

Ahh i see.. thx for suggestion. :)

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