Today my wife took us on WOŚP in Cork.
It's Polish biggest foundation that collects money for health and safety.
I wasn't there long because I don't like a place where are many people in the small room but,
I really like the idea behind that. But what I want to say that Polish con exchange BitBay take part in that and they rise in this year 12 234,41 złotych. [3,585.33USD]
in last 2 years, they rise over 15 635 złotych (PLN) which is 4,580.70USD
I know is nothing compared to Polish biggest website Allegro 9,141,390 PLN =2,678,768.83USD its like Amazon. But not worldwide.
Hope in next year we all be a millioners so we can give more.
you upvoted me so i am upvoting you and followed you
nice post