in #life6 years ago
Today I want to explain the benefits of water in our lives. Water is a staple of the human need for Water Benefits. The majority, humans assume that water is not a staple in the life of the beings on this earth.

Water is the most important component of the human body. In the body, there is a liquid substance at 55 to 78%, depending on body size. Filling the daily water needs and never forget the routine that can provide many health benefits.

We do not need to fear the water because it contains no content of calories, fat, carbohydrates and sugars as a source of life-threatening disease. Some experts recommend each person to drink a minimum of eight to ten glasses daily so that the physical state remains stable.

In fact, taking a daily fluid requirement for every human being that is three litres or 13 cups for men and 2, 2 litres or nine cups for women, can be more appropriate with age and body size.

Whitewater will help the body regardless of dehydration because each cell in the body get a good water supply to play the maximum. Healthy benefits of daily drinking water routine.

Almost the same as the benefits of honey, other benefits of water are also very diverse for the body. Here are the various valuable benefits of water to our body.

a. Water can overcome constipation. Whitewater can prevent and treat constipation, if there are symptoms of constipation is then you should drink lots of water.

b. Water can improve blood circulation. Drinking water will be able to smooth blood flow and increase body metabolism.
c. Whitewater can treat deep heat. Whitewater will treat deep heat if drunk in large quantities.
d. Drinking water can prevent strokes and heart attacks. Drinking water before bedtime and routinely it will be able to prevent the occurrence of stroke and heart attack suddenly.
e. Drinking water can treat coughs, canker sores, and other internal heat symptoms.

Thus, the water of need which has a position on the main sequence in the life of Human, "recognized or not" clearly proves human life and even other creatures are also essential or vital (water).

Maybe some of us interrupt or deny that water is not the point of our need? ... when da says "not a necessity" then it is clear that the person is not a normal way of thinking.

Water Benefits For Plants

Plants are slightly different for water use, where water is used as a medium for photosynthesis for plants. The process of making food (photosynthesis) in these plants takes place inside the leaves. But the main component of the order.

This process can run perfectly than the sun is water. Water will be carried through the roots to the stem and will get to the leaves to further help the photosynthesis process that will make food for the plant.

The Benefits of Water in Supporting Earth's Life.

Besides of course for living things like humans, animals, and plants. Water is certainly very supportive of life on this earth.

Can we imagine what would happen if there was no water on our earth? yes .. of course, there will be a mass extinction which means there will be no life on earth, including all living things in it. The importance of this water function makes us have to keep it


a. Not littering because it will damage the ecosystem
b. Doing greening
c. Save water usage
d. Maintain and preserve the environment
e. Can not cut down Trees in nature that must be protected.

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