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RE: GOE on MTV: Here's the Link to Watch Full Episode!

in #life8 years ago

Believe it or not this is the first time that I have seen this show/episode.
Honestly I didn't care. I kind of surprised my self that I had MTV in my home, (the community that I have been building for 8 years) and after a hundred hours of filming, over the course of many weeks and a prime time network airing on MTV, I didn't even care.
When I saw this post on Steemit (which I vary rarely use any more after 2 months straight of more than average, 1 article per day and thousands of posts.) I thought, I might as well watch it.
So now I have.....
On one hand, its pretty cool. I mean I and our community were on MTV!
MTV didn't try and sabotage us, which is something many people told me they were going to try and do, as counter propoganda (like the MEGA Black Ops SWAT Raid, in 2013 as if I was osama.)

Now on the OTHER HAND, this totally sucked. Not just because this Youtube Version perverts the hell out of peoples voices, but because in no way shape or form, did it show how sustainable our life is, what we accomplish, how happy and fulfilled the people living there are nor the impact it has had, is having and will have on the world around it, far and wide.
For one I, as very few realize, the implications of The Garden of Eden and I also know that they filmed about 100 hours of footage during their month long sequence of The GOE. It is so sad that over 99% of that footage is lost and will likely never be seen. I remember so many PROFOUND and EPIC moments. There were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many profound implications shared and sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more to this story.
In truth I am going to stop writing about this now because I would rather be living the unseen EPICNESS that is life, that writing about how MTV somehow failed to highlight almost any of it.
I loved the producers and film crew. I thought they were great people and I realize the very limited time constraints they had for this episode. Yet this not only deserved a whole season to it self but it would have been a HIT.
This is a major miss for not only MTV but also the GOE and the world. SO MUCH could have been shared, experienced and contributed to humanity, with an in depth look at the REALity of the life that was FILMED, just in the weeks they were there, let alone the 8 years that this profound life has been in the works.

I am now inspired to throw an epic party here in Ecuador and give a blow by blow, EPIC recount of the TRUE LIFE of this filming.
It will of course need to be a video and just the recounting will be longer than the entire episode it self, probably WAY more entertaining at .00000000001 of the cost for production ;-)>



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