Why Donald Trump WILL NOT be Kicked Out of Office

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Over the past six months, there have been a lot of harsh words and heavy rhetoric in the political world. Most of it seems so extreme that it is hard to believe we are in the same country we were in a year ago. It is actually quite disturbing. Rumors, lies, "fake news", accusations and a little truth mixed together to create create a haze that makes seeing what is really important very difficult (except for the people who have to deal with the real world). Things like the Syrian Civil war, ISIS, terrorism, Iran, North Korea, the economy, racial tensions and crime are all being overlooked.

And, six months after Donald Trump became elected, the haze continues to get thicker. And what a waste of time.

See, no matter what you think of Donald Trump, this garbage with Russia is not going to go anywhere, is wasting tax payer money and is preventing us from facing the real threats. In this article, I am going to tell you why nothing is going to come of this investigation and Trump will not be impeached. Whether you are for or against the President, you might have to admit these reasons are pretty solid.

Removal from Office is a Tough Process

In our history, there have only been two Presidents impeached (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Richard Nixon resigned before being impeached) and none that have been removed from office. Why? Because is is almost impossible. First, Congress must pass a document called Articles of Impeachment that define the "high crime or misdemeanor" of the President. This only needs a simple majority of Congress. At this point, the President is officially impeached (notice I did not say it was impossible to impeach Trump). Next, the Senate will hold a trial where the Chief Justice of the United States acts as the judge. This requires 2/3 of the senate to vote guilty (66 senators). That is the tough part.

The first issue is that there is no real evidence that Trump committed a crime. Do not get fooled by the media or rumors. There really is not evidence just leaks (leaking confidential information IS illegal, by the way. Stay tuned). The other issue is that Republicans rule the house and Senate. It will be hard to just get a majority in the House to impeach but getting 2/3 of the Senate to convict will be almost impossible no matter what party controls the Senate (the Republicans controlled the Senate during the Clinton impeachment). Remember, no one has ever been forcibly removed form office.

There Will be a Lot of Pleading the Fifth

As said in the above paragraph, leaking classified and personal information is illegal, even to the press. No one is going to actually testify during a Congressional hearing for fear of being prosecuted and the media will not release the names of its sources. Leaked information spread by the news media (assuming it is true) cannot be used as evidence. Also do not count on immunity. Leakers will lose more than just their freedom if exposed. Those who leaked can forget about politics and may even have problems getting a job again. Several "innocent" participants in the Watergate scandal can confirm that.

The Swamp is Deep

Finally, this story probably goes deeper than any of us know (mind you, if there IS actually a story). There have already been reports (as well as an accusation from Trump himself) that the previous administration had been monitoring the Trump campaign (very Nixonion). The information gathered was responsible for discovering the indiscretions of Michael Flynn. The Democrats, though they want to destroy Trump, do not want to tarnish the legacy of Barrack Obama.

Wikileaks has also made it very clear where they got most of the information: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's E-mails. This will, once again, open up Pandora's Box with Clinton's private (and illegal) mail server (something I think no Democrat is interested in bringing up again).

The investigation can (and will) only go so far simply because too many people from both parties could be effected.

In Conclusion...

...nothing is going to happen.

Well, that is not true. We are going to waste millions of dollars and two to five years years of time (we will probably forget about it before the investigation concludes). We are also wasting time on this when we should be trying to deal with other important issues like terrorism, the economy, foreign relations and the environment.

It is just sad that we cannot accept what happened six months ago and move on, no matter how you feel about Trump.

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