Daily Horoscope | Check your Today's Horoscope | Monday, November 6, 2017

in #life7 years ago

Your Today's Horoscope




Monday, November 6, 2017

Express yourself—with filters. Today, the moon in Gemini and your passionate fifth house forms an opposition to serious Saturn. You could feel emotionally stifled, unable to let your significant other or friends know the extent of your feelings. Perhaps you're afraid your honesty will hurt them or you're unsure of your own emotions. If you're feeling dramatic, choose your audience wisely and put your best face forward. Venting about personal woes to new acquaintances could give the impression that you don't have your life together.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Cabin fever? Today, you might wish you were anywhere BUT at home, as the moon in Gemini and your domestic fourth house forms an opposition to restrictive Saturn. Perhaps you're feeling stifled by a personal situation or a roommate who takes up too much space. Maybe a family member is demanding your help, or you're just feeling down about where you live. Don't take these feelings to heart, Pisces. This is a passing vibe. Tackle a home renovation project or declutter and rearrange. Lightening up your space can lighten your mood.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Don't let cutting thoughts overtake you, Aries. Today, your mind could be your best ally OR your worst enemy, thanks to the moon in fickle Gemini, your intellectual third house, forming an opposition to restrictive Saturn. If you tend toward being overly emotional, this rational influence can help you see people and situations realistically and take concrete steps to improve communication. Watch for pessimism, though. Don't take those thoughts so seriously, Aries—the downer vibe will pass.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Feeling daunted by your finances? Today's moon in Gemini and your security-minded second house forms a heavy opposition to serious Saturn. If you've cut corners on your budget or a job, sloppiness could come back to bite you. Or—more likely—you could just be taking a gloomy look at your situation, seeing your role at the office or the state of your bank account as more problematic than it actually is. Try to maintain a balanced perspective, Taurus—and get a pep talk from a wise friend instead of stewing!



Monday, November 6, 2017

Get the job done! Today, the moon is in Gemini and your first house of self and identity, forming an opposition to accountable Saturn. You feel an inherent responsibility toward your loved ones and to your own agenda. Be careful, though, as you could take this obligatory mood too far. There's a chance you'll be overly cool or businesslike toward people (for no reason apparent to them) and then have to apologize tomorrow. Don't lose your sense of humor, even when you're dealing with serious matters.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Tread lightly, Cancer. As the moon hovers in Gemini and your twelfth house of seclusion and healing—and forms an opposition to boundary-loving Saturn—you feel extra sensitive (yes, even more than usual). Don't let a pessimistic thought-spiral take you out of your happy place or make you feel helpless. You have a lot of options: Break out of your tunnel vision, and you'll see them. Soften the edge with some practical TLC, like a restorative yoga class or a bodywork session. Whatever you do, avoid self-criticism. Distracting yourself from heavy thoughts is actually the smartest strategy now.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Taking one for the team? A friendship could encroach on your freedom today, as the moon in Gemini and your group-activity house opposes suppressive Saturn. Perhaps you feel like you have to choose between a personal project and your obligation to a collective venture. If you have to sacrifice your own self-expression for the greater good, make sure it's only a temporary measure.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Today's starmap could stir up an epic battle between head and heart. The moon in Gemini and your ambitious tenth house is opposite serious Saturn in your fourth house of emotions. Have you been suppressing your true feelings or putting on a happy face? Maybe you're feeling torn between your personal life and career and are unsure of the correct path. Take time to think the situation through. With some contemplation, and perhaps a mentor's wise advice, you'll arrive at a smart balance.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Today you could feel a curious mix of freedom and limitations, thanks to the moon in Gemini and your ninth house of expansion and adventure forming an opposition to boundary-enforcing Saturn. Maybe you'll become aware of how sedentary you've gotten and feel the need to mix things up. If you're struggling to keep the faith around a challenging situation, positive affirmations can boost your optimism. Or take baby steps to break out of a rut. Practical measures, such as signing up for a skills-building workshop, can create a bridge to your wildest dreams. And when you're stuck emotionally, literally taking a walk can do wonders.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Today, an intimate tie could be tested, as the moon in Gemini and your eighth house of merging opposes restrictive Saturn. Don't be surprised if you find yourself listing all the reasons it WON'T work or brooding over a perceived slight. Single Scorpios could feel overly morose about love prospects. Inoculate yourself against a pessimistic mood with positive affirmations like "Everything is working out in my favor." Another idea? Tackle your bills or unfinished tasks that you've put off. Taking care of these items will have a surprisingly grounding effect.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Relationship repair time? Today, the Gemini moon and your seventh house of one-on-one unions faces off with cautious Saturn. Give an important bond the care and feeding it's been lacking. You could err on the side of controlling, though, so be careful not to over-orchestrate things. This heavy might could cause you to dip into hopelessness at moments. Bring back that Sagittarius spirit of possibilities, even if that means distracting yourself by running errands or supporting a friend.



Monday, November 6, 2017

Today, the moon in Gemini and your wellness zone forms an opposition to restrictive Saturn, tempting you to sabotage your fitness plans. You could be feeling a little deflated from the downer vibes of this cosmic aspect and ditch your healthy regimen. Another possibility is that you feel cut off from your emotions. If you are, reconnect through journaling, a short meditation or listening to music. Push yourself to get some physical activity today, even if it's just a short walk around the block. Treating your body like a temple can help banish your bad mood.

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Great to read this daily. Thanks for the effort taken. Upvoted and following u as always.
Regards Nainaz

nice. keep it up

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