Estancamiento - Stagnation

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit, today I will start this text on Spanish but I will make a version in english, so read till the end.

Bien, hoy hablaremos un poco acerca del estancamiento o el sentirse estancado. Primero definiremos la palabra estancar

estancar(v): Detener y parar el curso y corriente de una cosa.

Así que, básicamente estar estancado es no estar en movimiento. Permanecer fijamente en algo. Creo que el sentimiento de estancamiento surge en nuestras vidas en algún momento, bien sea cuando permaneces en un trabajo que se supone sería temporal, que no disfrutas y ahora es parte de tu rutina o cuando te quedas atrapado en una misma lección y no puedes salir de ella, por dar algunos ejemplos.
Francamente opino que es uno de los peores sentimientos del mundo.

Para mi, estamos programados para superarnos, para evolucionar, para crecer.

evolucionar(v): 1. Cambio gradual de los organismos o las cosas / 2. Variación de las costumbres, principios, propósitos o las actitudes

Y cuando no lo hacemos, cuando no avanzamos entramos en un período de estancamiento. El detenernos, y el no ser capaces de avanzar nos abruma y nos frustra de una gran manera. Soy una persona que ha estado estancada tantas veces que es sorprendente. Y sé que ese sentimiento nos hace preguntarnos

¿Qué debo hacer?

¿Qué voy hacer?

¿Qué haré con mi vida?

Y es difícil porque no sabes como responder esas interrogantes. Haces planes.
Intentas y nada.
De vuelta a lo mismo, te estancas.

Saben lo que ocurre con el agua estancada, tengo la idea de que con el ser humano pasa lo mismo. No se pudre, pero sus ganas de continuar y su optimismo .

Me gustaría leerlos, ¿alguna vez han pasado por un periodo de estancamiento?
¿Algún consejo para dejar de estar estancado?

English vesion

Well hello, today we're going to talk about the stagnation or the feeling of being stuck. But first, we'll define the word stagnation

stagnation(v): stop the course and flow of something

So, basically being stuck is: not be in movement. Stay in the same way. I think the feeling of stagnation arises in our lives at some point, either when you stay in a job that's supposed to be temporary, that you don't enjoy and now is part of your rutine, or when you get stuck in the same lesson and you can not get out of it, just to give some examples.
Honestly, I think that is one of the worst feelings ever.

For me, we're programed to overcome ourselves, to evolved, to grow

evolve(v): develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

And when we don't do that, we enter on a period of stagnation. Stopping, and not being able to move forward overwhelms us and frustrates us in a big way. I am a person who has been stuck so many times that it is surprising. And I know that feeling makes us wonder

What must I do?

What am I going to do?

What am I going to do with my life?

And it's hard, because you don't know how to answer that questions. You make plans.
You try and... nothing.
Back to the same thing, you get stuck.

You know what happens with stagnant water, I have the idea that the same thing happens with the human being. It does not rot, but his desire to continue and his optimism yes.

I would like to read you guys, have you ever gone through a period of stagnation?
Any advice to stop being stuck?


It is not an easy task to overcome stagnation, because you need to beat yourself. Like a game of chess, you need to outplay the stagnation and move forward with the best move possible.

What I like to do when I get stuck or when I don't know the answer to the question
"What am I going to do with my life?"
I isolate myself, stopping every possible distraction around me. Then I close my eyes and start asking myself questions like:
"Do I like what I work right now"
"What do I want to do with my life"
Then you come up with ideas and you will definitely know when you find the right answer. That is how I started writing in the first place.

The first thing to do when you are stuck in life is to realise you are stuck. The isolation practice I do that I mentioned above helps me discover and realise everything around me on a deeper level. You then should start working on what you want. Even if it sounds selfish to work on you just remember that you first need to work on you and then spread and help others. It always starts with selfishness.

That is what I do. Excellent post.
God Bless <3

I really love your comment! I think your advices are wise, and I'm so happy that you started writing bc of that. If you realize it's not too bad because you had to be stagnant to ask yourself which way you should follow, and if you are lucky you'll find what makes you happy :)

Have an increddible day! Always blissful to read you<3

read, upvoted, resteemed & followed!!!

Thx! I will check out your blog :)

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