Back here in the Land of the Free, now facing 5 years in prison for emailing my son.

in #life7 years ago

Hello everyone! Its been a while. Let me give you a brief update.  

I probably should have stayed in Mexico, but I wanted to visit my 99 year old grandmother and extended family, so I came back, drove around the West Coast for a while, and ended up staying in Oregon for 3 months.  It's a lovely state. This is Sahalie Falls in the photo.

If you've been following my posts here, you'll know that I was ordered not to contact my 13 year old son, and that the psychiatrists put him on anti-depressant drugs, which had me very concerned (among other issues), so I've sent him letters occasionally, some of which I've posted here.  

Although the contents of those messages may be emotionally challenging, I think you'll agree that parental alienation and psychiatric drugging are serious matters that require attention. Something is definitely not right here and it's my duty as a parent to make an effort.

Well that has landed me in hot water, predictably. 

I was driving through Oregon several months ago and got pulled over on the highway (for nothing real, didn't even get a ticket actually) and discovered I had a felony warrant for "Stalking a Minor"  

They threw me in jail, let me sit there in Oregon for a few weeks and then extradited me all back here to Michigan in shackles in the back of a Delta flight, then let me sit in jail for a while longer in Michigan. Now I'm facing up to 5 years in prison for the non-crime of sending my kid occasional emails and text messages.  I'm out on bond now.

To be clear, I have never harrassed or intimidated my son or ex wife, never showed up unannounced at their house, never beat or abused or threatened either of them.

I believe the stalking charge was just a scheme to get me extradited back to the the domestic court, where they are planning to hit me with an extra 6 months in jail for contempt of court.  I doubt the prosecution even believes they can convict me on the stalking charge, because I haven't done anything remotely like stalking or harrassment, and I'm confident a jury of my peers will find me not guilty. 

Since they don't extradite across the country for domestic court matters, they must have thought it would be a clever trick to use the felony charge for the extradition. 

Now I'm being put in double jeopardy, which is unconstutional.  I'm being tried in two separate courts for the same alleged (non) crime of communicating with my son.

Welcome to Michigan, where you lose custody of your kid without due process, get tried twice for the same crime, and jailed without a jury.

People here have been asleep at the wheel here for a long time. Now just look at this mess. Authoritarian collectivists have taken over. They have no respect for the rule of law and they see the family as a disease.  We are in deep trouble.

If you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know where I am.


What a pathetic charge against you!
Our developed countries are really going down the tubes with laws that destroy famlies like this.

I really hope that you beat this charge and are a free man again soon.

@canadian-coconut You are right, this something that is keeping us apart as a family. There should be laws, but not as ridiculous as sending texts or email to his/her own kids becomes illegal. There need to be transparent rules as to how far he can't go. I think every parent should be allowed to talk to their kids if there are restrictions then make something that makes sense. @pwn Charge against you is ridiculous, Good luck on beating this. Hoping to see you soon back in Steemit.

Thank you. A child with a victim complex who hates daddy is a life long customer. Involved dads are bad for busines, and it only takes a small amount of logic and reason to throw a monkey wrench in the program, so here I am.

yeah. They want dad's out of the picture for sure.

A good friend mine was being visited by Social Services after her toddler broke his leg badly. The doctors and scans said that it was not abuse, but Social Services kept on being involved despite that. They tried their very best to trick her into saying something bad about her husband,
and tried telling her that she needed to divorce him.
He's a great guy and she loves him, but that didn't matter to them.

They wanted dad out of the picture so that they could more easily figure out a way to steal her children from her. Social Services is pure EVIL. So much of the system is evil. But the government departments that simply steal your money are not nearly as bad as the ones that steal your children and break up families.

It's hard enough for two parents working together to protect their kids from the parasites, but when one parent tries to turn the state against the other one, it becomes way more difficult.

They just put a mom in jail here in Michigan for refusing to vaccinate her kid. The dad wanted to vaccinate, court ordered it, mom refused or delayed, and they sent her to jail. The only law the domestic courts follow is 'I am the law" meaning they unilaterally decide what's best for the child and issue orders accordingly.

I'm pretty good at following the law. Not so good at following orders. That's the difference between a citizen and a slave.

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