Self-Talk Tips - How to Talk Positively Using Your Egoic Mind

in #life3 years ago

What does it really mean to talk positively about yourself? Positive self-talk is as silly (or silly) as pointing out to yourself in the mirror, how wonderful I am. It s a daily routine which must be maintained, day in and day out. It s getting up early in the morning and saying, will get to work today. It is volunteering to give your time to help others. And it is watching your diet so that you do not gain weight and become obese.

But how do we do this positively? By talking positively to ourselves all the time, consistently, without fail. How do we keep up with positive self-talk? Well, start by being aware of what you say to yourself. Then say things like; I am feeling great, I am feeling amazing, I am having the best time of my life, I am living a wonderful life.

Notice how these feel like positive affirmations. When you notice that they make you feel good, or good enough, then that is when you want to continue with your positive self-talk. You want to work on keeping that feeling and thought long after the negative thoughts have dissipated. Negative thoughts will eventually creep into our minds and begin to creep into our bodies. And that is when we are battling with weight issues.

So, in order to overcome weight issues and maintain a positive body image, and therefore, a positive self-image, you will want to consistently talk positively to yourself all the time. This will be a daily habit. This will not only keep you from battling with weight issues. This will also make it easier for you to develop habits and behaviors that you want to adopt consistently every day.

This is the second secret tip. You want to fight off the negativity from your mind by using the voice of your ego voice. Your egoic voice is that little voice that says, "Why me? Why me?" Every time you start to argue with yourself, push aside any negative thoughts by saying to yourself, "My mind is nothing but positive, silly thoughts anyways." By saying this to yourself, it keeps the negative thoughts from invading your mind.

The third tip to talk positively is to usecue words. cue words are just words that get our attention and engage our cognitive system. cue words can be anything that gets our attention such as a swear, an exclamation, or even a question. The reason that cue words engage our cognitive system is because they are naturally embedded in our sentences from the very beginning.

When we use our self-talk effectively, our negative thoughts will become replaced with more positive ones. This is why it is important for us to talk positively as often as possible. The fact is, too many people continue to think and speak negatively even when faced with negative feedback from others, and this kind of thinking and speaking leads to a negative self-image and so it follows that they think and speak negatively to others as well.

By using your own inner voice, as well as your self-talk, you can change the way you talk to yourself and to others. This will not only change the way you talk to yourself, but will also change the way you respond to negative feedback from others. With practice, you'll find that you'll use your self-talk and your inner voice far more effectively than ever before. And you'll notice a huge difference in your mindset, which means you'll be more productive and have a greater sense of control.

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