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RE: A Truth That Most Refuse to See

in #life6 years ago

Excellent show, as always!
Yes, this whole (YouTube in particular) censorship is very annoying, really - it happened to me few times also. That's the main reason, i stopped uploading there any serious stuff. Unfortunately, dTube is not able to fulfill (at least for the time being) my basic requirements.
Because of thees, i decided to make a private server (with all blows and whistles) to storage and stream important audios/videos (like yours, in between). I'm not sure, if all all creators would be happy with it, means - giving freely access to theirs works. So, for now i keep it private. But some day (soon, i hope), when authors like You and others agree - i will make it public. I'll do it anyway before death, but the sooner the better.
Thanks again for this and all your great insight. Can't wait for the next one.
All the best!

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