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RE: More Confessions: Exposing My Inner Demons... The Part I Never Thought I'd Share (Pt 4.5)

in #life7 years ago

Now i'm scared dear @heart-to-heart! Well infact all of us has two sides normally! For some it's dormant and others it up and manifesting!
It's that 'Kat' who made you go through all this, glad that you are alright now! Keep controlling her at all time!


Yes, it was Kat and that is why I introduced her so you all know she is different than me! Me now doesn't even have a drink with dinner! She got me into enough trouble for one lifetime ;)
Thanks for the support Chef, I promise this is just the past :)

You are really someone very great dear! To change your life at 360 degrees, well you merit a lot of respect! I just wish you lots of happiness now on and forever!

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