How I feel about Government ....

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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Let me share with you how I feel about the Government. I have been talking too much about money and finance, so let's take a brief break and let me share with you my feelings towards the Government. I would like a voluntary free society without taxes and no violence.

However in this article I won't theorize about political philosophy, I will directly tell you how I feel about a Government, and this is not just applies to my Government, but to any out there.

First of all I don't need a Government, I never needed any "service" that it provides, I've never been on welfare, never relied on police "help", never relied on public hospital, I was forced to go through public education though, and never used any Government service, except the postal service because there is no alternative (yeah it has a forced monopoly), but I would gladly use alternative services, if they were available.

In fact these scumbags at the post office charged me once 350€ when I imported furniture from another country and they "stored it" like 5 hours, since after it went through customs, they send it to the post office storage, and not to my address, just so that I can get extorted 350€ for them storing it 5 hours until I went pick it up. Yeah that is the post office here! (Not to mention how much the customs tax cost me...)

The Government is intentionally designed to screw us over. I have been fined 2 times just recently, one time I got fined for missing housing schematics, that wasn't even my fault, but the previous owner of my house. Then I got a parking fine last week, because I parked in a zone that had a parking sign on it, but no longer qualified as parking space, yet the city clerks failed to remove the sign, WTF? I must be very unlucky with the Government, but I am not kidding, this is how they operate.

I could have contested the fine, but it was 25€ only, and why risk it, I could have gotten a far bigger fine if I would have lost the dispute, and I am not going to waste my time with these things, but nontheless 25€ went down the drain just like that, and I am disincentivized to challenge it, so I can get extorted anytime, anywhere, for anything, and I would lose far more if I defend myself against it.

So yeah, I have to submit or lose more, and they keep stealing from me. I would rather prefer muggers, atleast they are more rare and they rob you only once, not reccurringly. This is the name of the game SUBMIT OR DIE because of course the Government can escalate a dispute up until you either submit, or they kill you.

I feel disgusted. I literally feel chills on my spine when I get a letter from the Government, I am thinking like: What do these scumbags want again from me?, it is always a negative news, you literally never get positive news from a Government mail. This is how I compare it vs. my brother:

  • When my Brother sends me a mail: Wow this is exciting what present or best wishes he is sending me, I am very excited to open it
  • When the Government sends me a mail: Fuck, what the hell I am getting fined for again? I wish I can just throw away this mail and forget about it!

I know my brother never sends me bad stuff in the e-mail, if it's something urgent he just calls me. But I also know the Government never sends me good stuff in the mail, I only get: tax decisions, tax notifications, tax requests, fine notifications, fine requests, 30 page bureaucratic garbage documents related to my investments, police warning letters (relating to my parking behavior), customs tax request, customs tax notification, warning letters from different local Government agencies (like the Land Bureau), and other extortion/ threat letters....

Yeah, literally this is all I get, extortion/threat letters. I am not kidding with you, you cannot make this stuff up. It is so bad that it's almost hilarious.... I can literally get extorted from anything anywhere anytime.

You can't even keep up with this stuff, they always modify or create new regulations just to screw you over. The transportation laws are constantly changing and minor regulations pass by without you even noticing it. How can you keep up with this stuff, when there are literally like 10,000 addition or modification of laws/year.

I should have a lawyer in my pocket or something like that, but that is also no guarantee , since sometimes not even the lawyers are up to date with it, and people just get screwed over time and time again.

So yeah, this is my experience with the Government, i constantly get screwed over, and never benefited from it, at all.

Tell me what is your experience with the Government?

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Sometimes the police can fine you based on nonexistent laws that no longer exist but even they cant keep up with it, it is changing so fast. C'mon this must be a very bad joke, but unfortunately it's not.

Correction: Yes lawyers usually keep up well with parliament issued laws, but I was more referring to local laws, government issued laws. Those are literally impossible to keep up with. So a fine becomes inevitable at some point!

Yeah, various government agencies can just push through new laws/regulations without parliament approval, so the regulations grow exponentially because there is nothing stopping it, they almost create new ones daily. Not to mention county/city council laws, those are just hilarious.

My neighbor told me that he got fined once 600€ for throwing debris out to in front of his house (he was fixing his house and he put the debris before his house, and he would call a trash cleaning company a next day to move it but it was a Sunday so he could not do it that day), even though the debris removal laws were removed by the city countil a few months back, he still got fined.

He should have got a warning, based on existing laws in that city, but yeah, these guys cant even keep up with their own laws. Besides he would have cleaned it up the next day, but why not extort him on every opportunity they get?

It is just insane, it drives us all mad.

Unfortunately, taxes are certainty just as death.

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