If you could do better should you? Why...?Part 2
Writing the first part to this made me realize a few things that are definitely an undertone for a lot that I do.
I had a discussion with another Steemian (thanks @surfyogi) that allowed me to consider the impact of one of Jim Rohn's quotes on me.
I first heard it in the context of Jim discussing what he offers for guidance when dealing with the issue of greed.
When people become successful they begin to feel and experience resistance to amassing more. You begin to question why you do it, people begin to question you on why you do it.
Especially when the sacrifices you made to create something seem to become greater and greater as time goes on.
If you could do better should you?
In me I heard myself saying Yes.
So I continue to do. Long hours, stressful situations, losing my hair (LOL, it's getting thin); all to reach the ideal of what is better.
I am not going to lie and say that I don't have regrets. I challenge anyone who says "I regret nothing." I allowed myself to be talked out of buying Bitcoin at 10 cents a coin. 10 cents. Kind of regret that!
I gave up growing up where my family lives to pursue my ideal 5000 km away. I regret pieces of that.
Everyone has regrets.
What matters is if you feel you are better for what you did.
I love my wife. I love my cat. I love my friends. I love my hockey season tickets (no team where I am originally from).
I love working with the great people that I do. All that is because of my decision to pursue better.
I have done better!
As I get older I am beginning to plan on how to divest of my worries. That statement made me laugh. I turn 44 in 5 days...and I am considering that I am old now. There are a few tough decisions to be made in the near future and I am finding that writing my thought process on steem is helping me.
Thank you for that steemians. It doesn't even matter if you read it because it's enough for me that I believe you did.
To those who disagree with Jim Rohn's quote I will end with one from Abraham Lincoln. When I decide that my company building days are over my goal is to assist others. Help others build their dreams in a mentor role or directly help with grants, rent assistance, etc., for artists. Art is becoming nearer and dearer to my heart all the time which is the subject of another post another day. In order to do that I must do better now because as Honest Abe laid it out...
"You can't help the poor by being one of them." - Abraham Lincoln
I would love to hear you comments and ideas. Especially your own journeys through similar turning points.
Nice - using a Jim Rohn quote, I freaking love it. I tend to quote Tony Robbins alot.
Figured if I'm going to quote someone might as well pick someone who has it figured out. Thanks for the contest!
It might depend on your current focus in life. I automatically WANT to answer "Yes! Always do better!" But it's difficult to ration out your limited pool of energy among the endless needs in our lives. All of the late nights at work, slaving for a purpose that you may not currently align 100 percent with, yet giving your all in that area means you come home late to a family that deserves that time MORE. When you answer "No" to the question of "should you do better" then that is definitely your inner voice telling you it's not a current priority in your life. And sometimes that's okay.
i must get back on my track to ascension /. i went back on the standard american diet ...
Following you..

Jim Rohn is brilliant!
Interesting. I'll ponder.