Life is tough, but so are you...

in #life3 years ago

The whole concept of life made me realize one thing: "Life is unpredictable". I have been dealing with stress and anxiety issues for a very long time. It's not severe or not extreme but sometimes I can't control myself from overthinking. That's why I have adopted a dog to give me company and help me to reduce my stress and anxiety issues. For example, the recent situation of the crypto market is scary, twitter news, rumors somehow affected the whole market and we are seeing a downward trend. This is nothing compared to the last year but after seeing the situation of the market, I started continuously panicking.

Anyway, this was just an example, there are many things in life that cause anxiety issues. For me, job and life settlement are the main reason for my anxiety issue but there is nothing to be done instantly and I know that. I have written before that somehow my family is the reason for my weakness and I feel broken due to a lot of criticism. No matter how much I try to avoid it, in the end, I fall apart.


I wish I could be able to create my mind like a cloud that floats wherever it wants. It's just imagination that never will be true due to reality. I can't control people and as a human, I have to face criticism as well due to society. So, what can be done? How to avoid such negative circumstances? Maybe I know the answer or maybe not. It's complicated and difficult to answer. I always say that it's easy to give advice and talk about positivity but when it comes to apply in real life and deal with those, it's hard to apply or follow such advice. Don't take me wrong, I am just writing considering my own circumstances...

My life problems are different and I never want to compare them with anything. I know in some parts of the world, someone must be dealing with harder life circumstances than me.

But it's life and we all have to face it and deal with it...

"Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway..."



The picture used is captured by the author...

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