Break Comfort Zone for Success

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Friends, it has been proved that we are using only 5% of our brain. We do not know how much it has potential and what could we do with the use of full capacity of our brain. Compare to all other living organisms, human beings have extra ordinary powers. We could go to the space, fly a biggest plane and float the huge ship on the water. Humans have so much creativity, skill and potential so that we could cross all the bars.

But, we have drawn a circle around our existence and we do all the things within this circle. We do not like or prefer to cross this circle that we have created around us. This circle is also called as a "Comfort Zone".


We become so lazy to start a new task or to take a risk. We do not know who we are and what can we do and how much skill and potential we have. We only prefer to choose a safe and comfortable life. We do not like to come out of this circle or we have fear for that even if we have opportunities and skills.

So Friends, let's know our powers, skills and potential. If we decide to do something we can do it easily. We can cross all the bars and reach to the destination even if there are hardiest paths.

Why we are keep stucked in small tasks. The life is god gifted and it's a contract with god. We don't know whether it will be renewed or not. So, lets decide to fly high for a success. Let's do something that the entire world follow you. Let's do something so that our entire family feel proud of us. All the happiness and luxurious facilities are in our steps.

If we want to achieve a big goal, we have to break our Comfort Zone first that we have created, It's not easier to break this comfort zone but also not impossible. It's difficult to achieve any big goal without come out of this circle of conform zone.

If, we explore history we can see that many legends have break comfort zone and become an ideal human being for the entire world.

So, how long will we live with so many fears? We are surrounded by so many fears like What people will say? If I do not succeed? It's a risky talk, can I do this?

How long we live with this narrow thinking and get surrounded by this circle of comfort zone. Why do we not treat an idea as a challenge and implement it? It's not wisdom not do any task with the fear of failure.

Many time it happens with us when we think to implement on our idea and after not coming out of our comfort zone and after some time the same idea have been implemented by someone else and they become successful. Then we regret that if we tried to implement it and collect the courage to do that task, the results and destination may be different compared to the current situation.

At the end, we should not empty and waste the treasure of time. Time is more valuable than wealth. If we have to achieve a big goal, if we want to do such a thing that the entire world remembers you evermore, then break this comfort zone today. Let's move forward with a goal. Don't stop until succeed. If not today, tomorrow will get success definitely. There are no two opinions in it.

Please share your own view and opinion on this article.

Wishing you all the best



@printskill This is one of the best article. I'm truly inspired. Keep posting these type of blogs.

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