The Weird Series # 4 - Top 3 Bad Habits That Irritate People But Makes You Better!

in #life7 years ago

We all have some bad habits that irritate and pisses people off! That's right. Some of the bad habits are really bad while some bad habits can really work in your favor. That is true! Self-talking is considered worst among the majority of people and they usually look on your face assuming that you deserve to live in the mental hospital. LOL!

Maybe if they'd know that how beneficial self-talking can be, they'd not consider it that bad. But I must take a moment to clarify that you should keep everything in its limit. The moment you go limitless, you will get your ass kicked. I am not specifically referring to self-talking only. Rather, I am referring to all bad habits that are actually beneficial for you.

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Image Credits: TheOdysseyOnline

And well, my series is all about weird stuff. So it's most likely that you'll find this topic a little weird but that was exactly the purpose! I refrain from making any personal points. Rather, I quote reputable sources to back up everything I say here. And just like that, I am going to quote some reputable sites + logical reasons that how some of those bad habits can be beneficial for you! So, it's time to find out those 3 bad habits which irritate people but can be beneficial for your personality.

# 1: Procrastination: The Difference Maker Between Human and Robot!

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Image Credits: WCCF

Imagine if you'd be doing everything on time, you'd look like a robot, no? I mean, you're irritating others with your behavior for sure but at least Procrastination is what makes you different from a robot. You don't reply your mail immediately but rather, you delay it for some time within the limits and answer when you feel good.

Surprisingly, my research shows that Procrastination wasn't considered bad in Greek and Romans. Rather, they used to consider Procrastination as one of the qualities of a leader. The reason is that Proscrastination enables you to think outside the box at first before you act. It is better to calculate your actions first before you take them!

If you delay your mail within the limit, then you're probably going to write the best reply because you'll get enough time to think, structure your thoughts in order and encode it for the receiver.

Research Source: JND and SmithSonianMag

# 2: Stress And Worry: The Blessing OR The Curse!

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Image Credits: HuffingtonPost

Stress is really bad. Trust me! I am referring to some habits which already exist within many of us. You don't need to build such habits to get these so-called benefits. There are a lot of great ways to do that. The purpose of this post is to encourage those, who have such habits.

Stress makes you feel crap, and your worry may cause you some temporary troubles. But let's not forget that Stress is natural. For every natural thing/emotion/habit, we have the sets of great advantages. These emotions are given by God, and it's surprising that as we are getting advanced with research and science, we are seeing many new signs within ourselves!

Scientific research shows that Stress makes you feel responsive, and alerts you from potential danger. And for sure, if you were alert before the existence of the problem, then you'll face it and do your best to solve the problem. In short, Stress teaches you how to deal with the coming problems! It's like you're working for your future to make it stress-free. Stressful today means stress-free later!

Research Source: PsychologyToday

# 3: Self Talking: The Great Motivator!

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Image Credits: YT

As I wrote in the beginning, self-talking is considered really bad because people think that you're mentally ill or wacko! but when you'll get to know what Self-Talking has to offer, you'll most likely start talking with yourself.

I said it before and I'll say it again, take some precautions. It is better if you don't talk with yourself in public place because that makes you look weird except if there is a huge necessity. Some people talk with themselves when they are going through hard times. They try to produce courage and motivation to face the problems!

Scientific research shows that Self-talking makes your memory good. It helps in building your confidence and makes you focused on your goal. And that's a key to success! if you're focused on your goals, then Sky is the limit for you!

Research Source: Today


Those were some bad habits which irritate other people around you but if you understand their power and use them in a proper way, you can actually benefit from them. If you're one of those people who have such habits, then ponder and contemplate on these research. Once you have a clear vision, you'll be able to benefit from your habits. However, please note that those advantages can be obtained through various ways, so if you're planning to build those habits within yourself, then you're acting like a dumb because that's not the purpose of my post.


Amazing post my bro. I just resteemed. Bad habits can be beneficial but as you clearly said, our vision should be clear.

Vision is the ability to foresee. @princewahaj You share some excellent content worth up voting! I'm looking forward to some excellent stuff on offer in this series of blogs. Following your posts regularly :) The purpose of your post is loud and clear. Life is an experience of mutual benefit

Funny but true. Upvoted. Resteemed.

The self talking I find myself doing a lot, but not like motivating myself, but more just having a conversation with myself or something. It's really weird actually.

nice post to read, read an incredible story of a young man that how he quit drinking

an upvote for you, please follow

This is really amazing. I personally did not know all of this until now. Your message carries insight that many have ignored for a long time and im glad to have found it. Keep posting more of these .

That's some deep info you have there mate. Though I had no idea that self-talk can be positive in that way. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward for your post. :D