3 Ways That Will Help Us Change The World!

in #life7 years ago

In this world, there are many types of people. Some of us often wish to change the world but very few of us are doing something to change it. That can be for various reasons such as a huge burden of works on your back or probably you're discouraged by analyzing how many people are poor in the world and the problems.

But we often forget the power of small things that we can do. Of course, you may not be able to change the whole world, but don't forget that you are still changing a small part of the world with your actions. If you are able to do something, no matter how big or small, just do it.

Change The World
Image Credits: CityCurrent

We live in different parts of the world but if we all start contributing even small efforts, trust me, it will combine the forces and we may be able to change the world. But the question is that what you are capable of doing? In this article, we'll discuss some of the easiest things that you can do to change the world.

# 1 - Donate Your Old Items To Poor People:

One man's trash is another man's treasure and we all know that. You can't imagine how your old items can still help someone. If your bike is old and you don't want to use it anymore then instead of selling for dust income, it is recommended that you give it to someone who's poor.

This bike can become a source of income or maybe a source to buy some food like he'd go on your bike to buy some food instead of traveling by walking. It's only effective when you give it to someone who truly deserves to be given. Donating to a rich friend who just wants to have fun is not as effective as giving it to some poor who are working hard to provide for his family.

# 2 - Be Kind To Everyone:

Some of us are driven by the ego as such that we don't even care who's in front of us and we just want him to feed our ego. That also includes when you're in front of your father or mother. It's sad but a truth that we want our fathers and mothers to say what we want to listen and hear. I don't know for the western countries but I've seen the trend of leaving and abusing the parents after getting married or as soon as he gets a girlfriend.

If you really want to change the world, then you'll have to show kindness not only to the old parents but also the other people outside. It feels great to make the blind cross the road. Your actions will give the lesson to those who were looking at you when you helped that old man crossing the road.

# 3 - Distribute The Food To Homeless People:

You might be sitting at home and enjoying your birthday by cutting a grand cake but remember that there is someone who's hungry from the last several days and he is looking for someone to feed him something so that he could survive and help his other family members.

If you are capable of providing some food to the homeless people (and the needy ones), you won't only gain happiness by distributing food to them but God will also show His mercy on you. Your distributed food can save someone's life and that's how we change the world, by saving lives.

Are you ready to change the world? Let's do it together and tell the world that good people still exist. Oh well, don't forget to follow me at @princewahaj for more useful content.


A very good and refreshing post. The ideas mentioned here are doable for everyone, here and now. Giving away old/unused items is a good way to start. In addition to helping others who have a need for these, doing so will also help reduce clutter. Physical and spiritual. Many of us have too many things which we aren’t likely to use. It’s ironic that in having less things, we might be better for it!

We need to find a way to compile a list of items available, who the potential recipients are and how to deliver these. A lot of good will come out of undertaking projects like this.

Of course all three are excellent acts to help our world.

For me, I find #2 the most powerful act.
Both giving and receiving kindness has impacted my life in the best way.

Oh great job dear! Really I impressed seeing this 3 points. Yes we can do it to change world to utilize this 3 ponts. We can help poor and homless people giving somthing. Really a great post for man. Humanity is a great work or religion. I am saying annoucing with your 3 points, come on and lets go to help poor people who live around us.

Everyone must leave something behind when he dies . . . Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die . . . It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away

You’re just one person — a tiny speck compared to 7.4 billion people. Can you really change the world by yourself?

The answer is a resounding yes! Many people think that one person can’t make a difference. But imagine this: 7.4 billion individuals each doing something to change the world. So you see, change can start with one person. Change can start with you, right here, right now.

Be the change you want to see and live by example. People will follow.

Changing the world is changing things round you. U
Thank you@princewahaj for this reminder

yes we can change the world by changing our self ,Good and soft behavior
for everyone and balance in relations is need . We should help people around us what we have even some time if we have nothing to help others , our smile and some good words can help a lot,helping others in work also good

This is awesome @princewahaj, you have said it all, if we can just follow the hints you can have out we will be able to Chang the world. Simply because we can only change the world when we change ourselves

I think this post should be trend to spreading to many people.
So Resteemed this post by @jareen61.

Love the second point....being kind is a great way to spread joy and happiness =)

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