What do you think about exotic animals being kept captive as pets?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

View the original post on Musing.io

There is nothing wrong with keeping exotic animals as pets as long as you understand the following:

- Know the risks involved with certain species, especially if there are any children in the residence.

- Know the feeding habits so you don't cause any harm to the animal.

- Follow any regulations for keeping the animals in your area. Some neighbourhoods won't allow certain types of animals to be kept as pets. Other places will charge a fee and have certain restrictions and guidelines.

- Give the pets enough space and freedom to not feel like they are being kept captive.  

Generally, I don't think pets should be kept since I personally don't have any. But then again, some people love animals so much and develop a kinship/friendship with them and they derive happiness out of this activity.

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