What is a pattern ?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Vertumnus painting style

Image from smithsonianmag, Vertumnus painting style by Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

What is a pattern ?

Patterns are similitude in a set of information.

Most often human pattern recognition is used troughs image like face or object (visual).

In the image above their is not really a human face. From a precise view, their is the pattern we call "vegetables" but when we take a higher point of view, the way that these "vegetables" pattern are organized, trough experience, we recognize the pattern as "human face".

Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition is one of the thing we use the most in our brain set of functions, often for recognizing visual patterns such as "plant", "red", "computer" and sometimes more confuse and a bit less visual like "Steem".

We're also able to recognize pattern, trough sound like "music note", "music style", "human voice", "instrumental sound". Less used but as easy as visual or sound pattern recognition, we can also recognize behavior, thought and also feeling patterns.

By example, a memory thought is simply a link we made between an actual pattern recognized and a pattern in memory.
The process i called "link we made" is also a pattern recognition between two pattern.

So patterns = patterns type (Can be called pattern level 1) and pattern repetition type (Can be called pattern level 2), but fundamentally it's the same thing.

Pattern architecture (pattern repetition type)

A pattern architecture is a way to organize patterns.

Organized means that trough the organization we saw, we can recognize the pattern used to organize these pattern and eventually conceive or reproduce these pattern with the same organization or pattern used.

Scaling patterns type

Linear organization (pattern repetition type of pattern type).

Example: Image above describe precisely the linear or scaling pattern repetition type.

From a less precise view, in nature, as much as the number that represent the length of the giraffe.
neck is getting higher, the number that represent the giraffe hearts number is getting higher too.

Fractal patterns type

Exponential organization (pattern repetition type of pattern type)

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Mathematical correlation

Golden ratio number

The golden ratio is equal to 1.618... and is somethingA represented by a number divided by somethingB that is equal to this number.

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Fibonacci numbers

The mathematics of the golden ratio and of the Fibonacci sequence are intimately interconnected. The Fibonacci sequence is:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, ....

The closed-form expression for the Fibonacci sequence (or pattern recognition) involves the golden ratio.

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Yellow Chamomile head showing the arrangement in 21 (blue) and 13 (aqua) spirals. Such arrangements involving consecutive Fibonacci numbers appear in a wide variety of plants like in example above.

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Pattern can be found everywhere.

Pattern are a type of organization also called order, ruled by the gold number and mastered by a force that counter the entropy (the opposite force that tend universe to disorder).

So pattern are a beautiful creation of order trough nature and universe force and we are able to recognize them and then reorganize them. Thank you natural force.

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