
What an amazing find. A real snapshot into another life and time, but such a shame it seems he couldn't reconcile with his son.

A real snapshot into another life and time

They don't happen that often, but when they do it is eerie as you know these people so intimately. Usually it will evoke a sadness as you see the disconnect between families and friends. The first time I encountered this back in the nineties involved this amazing woman. Her and her husband had taken a trip around the world. After he had passed, she took another one retracing their trip (she was in her 70's at this point), and wrote a journal. Her expressions of missing him as she remembered the things they did together was inspiring. I was bewildered that her family was not involved with her enough to claim such precious memories. She had pictures of her two daughters and her grandchildren. There was a postcard from one of her daughters who lived in New York, but the postmark was from 8 years earlier. I wrote to the address, being naive as I was back then. I never heard anything back sadly.

You would think my heart would get hardened to these tragedies, but it hasn't. I teared up writing this post. I can't imagine the heartbreak I would have if my son thought so little of me. The love between this man and his wife left me in awe. I apologize for being so lengthy in my response, I am still recovering from the emotions writing this laid bare for me. Thanks for reading and commenting.

These things do happen to families unfortunately. I don't have to look to far from my own backyard to find a couple of examples sadly. My Mother's younger brother inexplicably chose to turn his back on his family around 20 years ago, he wrote his parents, his brother and his sister (Mum) each a letter telling them he wanted to sever ties with everyone with no explanation (at least not that Mum got). What broke my heart was that he didn't even have the decency to make contact for my Grandfather's funeral and I think my Grandmother (who is in her nineties), still hopes that he will come "home" once more before she leaves us.

My brother is like your uncle. He missed out on the last couple years of our dads life, although he did manage to make it here immediately afterwards so he could help himself to what he wanted while our mom was grieving. For your grandmothers sake I hope he has a change of heart.

So do I, though I feel he's the one missing out he has a great-nephew and a great-niece that he's never met (both aged under 4), so he's missing seeing them grow and develop their own personalities.

I should also mention that it was your use of the nobidbot tag that helped me find this post

Thanks. I came across it yesterday being used in a post by @k0wsk1 and asked him about it. When he explained it I thought it was brilliant.

I agree. I stumbled on it myself when someone shared the concept into my feed and I thought it was great so jumped on board.

@fulltimegeek any manual you would like to read from this lot? practicalthought, thank you very much indeed for making this post, most appreciated.


Highly unlikely considering all you do is SPAM posts left, right and centre

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