😳You Really Must Listen...

in #life6 years ago

you really must listen.png

I'm sure you all remember being told this by your parents or teachers, did it help....probably not.

The reason it probably didn't help is that most people when told to do something tend to do something completely the opposite of what was requested.

It may be a general statement, and I'm sure there are countless (well perhaps not countless, but some) examples where some human HAS done exactly as requested.

Think about it, when was the last time you did something exactly as asked....

A philosopher might say that it is impossible to do something EXACTLY as ordered or to duplicate a task, unless you are a robot. It's a simple fact human beings can not do anything identically.

...even the simple task of LISTENING to someone, we seek out the main points or "hear" what we effectively want to hear.

We even make "listening sounds or words" these are an expected reciprocal event that indicates what someone is saying is being heard. We have all become accustomed to hearing these, and making them too.

Ahha, oh, mmmm, huh, OK, yeah ... Can you add to the list of "listening sounds and words" we use?

This selective listening has been made worse by modern media sound bites, audio limited to a few minutes at most (the length of our concentration now).

Just think for a moment have you become more impatient when listening to people too, just like we are seeing all over this planet.

Soon we will have reduced our listening span to just seconds... maybe enough time for non syllable sounds that have multiple meanings, we have emoji already to replace words, will we hear a type of emoji for audio communication soon?


Yes, our listening has changed a lot form years ago. We have much shorter listening time as you mention. An interesting post, so thanks for it.

Ha. All Captain Pickard had to say was Make it So
Boom-it was done. I listened to my mother - two decades after she told me.

So you finally put all the toys away then, and ate all your peas...haha

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