Empathize - Connecting with How Others Think and Feel

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The term "Empathize", according to Merriam-Webster, dates back to circa 1921. To Empathize is to feel or experience empathy. In all of its forms of empathizing, empathized, empathising, empathised, etc., to empathize is defined as the act of "to sense and understand someone else's feelings as if they were one's own." To empathize is to identify with, understand, relate to, feel for, sympathize with or have a rapport with. It's to have the same feelings as another person : to feel empathy for someone. To empathize with is to feel at one with and on a more scientific technical sense, to be on the same wavelength or frequency as. It is like tuning an out-of-tune stringed instrument, such as a piano or guitar string to the same exact tone or frequency as a specific tuning fork. It's noun form is "empathizer". To be an empathizer is what we believe is a key to change this world we all share for the better.

“If there is any one secret of success,” said Henry Ford, “it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” This one statement says a lot, coming from one of the most successful people of all time.

Alfred Adler, the famous Viennese psychologist, wrote a book entitled, "What Life Should Mean to You". In that book he says: “It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.”

The greatest failures of the 20th and 21st centuries have come from loosing sight of considering the other person’s point of view. In the wake of the greatest global financial crisis since the great depression, it is our intention to remind businesses and entrepreneurs to return to prioritizing who their business is based upon (i.e. customers who are real people just like you and I). The same goes for those in government to remember they are there to serve the people by whom they are created. To Empathize with one another is always the key. This is done by taking into consideration what our fellow human beings think, feel, want and need in order to focus upon providing the goods or services that they need and want. By this consideration, we mean to use our perceptive and intuitive imagination to empathize with and put ourselves in the other person's shoes to try to understand how they think and feel from within their own unique individual experiences and point of view.

As our world experiences turmoil in many places around the world, it is time for humanity to wake up and realize that what we think, feel, say and do to our fellow human beings will always come back to effect our own selves too. When we widen our prospective, the world can be seen in a different more positive unifying light. We are after all - all human beings and Earthlings. We all breathe the same air, eat the same food, and drink in the same water molecules that make up our physical human bodies. We are all made up of the same stardust. This wider awareness helps us to empathize with how others think and feel from their own point of view giving greater understanding to ultimately materialize real peace in our world.


Empathize in Our Relationships and Friendships:
Every religion and spiritual belief on earth has a fundamental belief that boils down to placing all of truth in one simple, but extremely profound empathetic concept of "Treating Others As Ourselves". This is called the "Golden Rule" by many. Humanity is on the brink of the greatest change or shift in consciousness that has ever been experienced before and the key to that change is in the "active" verb of to EMPATHIZE with one another, to put ourselves in the other's shoes and try to view the world through the other's eyes and feel the world through the other's experiences. When we can truly grasp the depths of truth in this simple, yet infinitely profound concept, of "to Empathize" with one another, we will bring the change to our world which so many of us wish to see.

"The time is now for each and every one of us to have a realization that we have unlimited power, unlimited resources and unlimited capacity to love, be creative, serve and support an emerging paridigm of good on this planet at this time in human history. The time is NOW to wake up to the infinite potentiality that is within all of us." -- Michael Bernard Beckwith

The time is now for each and every one of us to stop feeling bad or guilty of things that we may have done, experienced, felt or seen in the past. The time is now to wake up and realize the power of choice we each have to change our future through changing how we think, feel and act NOW. The time is now to realize that deep within each and every one of us we have the power, resources and capacity to CHOOSE to empathize with the other human beings we share this planet and universe with to put ourselves in their shoes, understand and connect with one another in ways that will transform our world and our universe.

"My whole life is dedicated to the inspiration of seeing that light in someone's eyes when they wake up and they claim who they really are. And who we are, I believe is that We are beings who are made to contribute. We're not just made to get something - we're here to give something. And when people see and experience and know that, through not intellectually, but in their heart, and when they start acting that way, worlds are transformed." -- Tony Robbins

Empathize to Contribute and Transform our world:
"I call it the social profit sector and social profit has 2 spellings. Social profit like we make a profit, because the profit that we generate is a profit that generate profit for all children of all species of all time. It's really that kind of a social profit. And people who are doing this kind of work are what I call the Social Prophets of our time." --Lynn Twist

Empathize to Be a true Leader:
"Actually come from the true leader that's within, the true visionary that's within all of us, the true (you might say) messenger that within all of us, and live authentically to that, regardless of what the world around us thinks or feels or experiences or even reacts to, because I'd rather have the whole world against me that my own soul. And a leader of the future is one who follows their own soul and obeys. In fact, a genius is one who listens to their inner voice, follows the vision of their inner soul, obeys that and leads and catalyzes new frontier transformations in the world. And so the person who can do that is the real leader; and we all have that inside us." -- Dr. John Demartini


This post is an excerpt taken from our site at Empathize.com


Thank you for this post @positivesynergy We all have innate skills and desire to empathize, we all want to connect, otherwise we simply wouldn't survive our first days of life. Yet the social order is set in a way when looking after your own interests (as if they are not connected with the wider interests of humanily) is much more valued. Receiving is seen as more valuable then giving. Being empathic hurts unless you learn how to give yourself without loosing yourself. Perhaps this is the most valuable step towards greater empathy in the world. To avoid pain we block ourselves off, we stop using our empathic skills until we don't remember how to use them. We need to actively keep our empathy fire burning. I believe there is plenty of kindness to keep feeding the fire in every one of us!

Well said, @cryptasana! That is so true too. I agree. We really do actively need to keep the Empathy fire burning within us. Every Empathetic Act of Kindness goes a long way to doing that. Thank you for your input. It is greatly appreciated.

Same to you. Thanks for inspiring me that it wasn't a waste of time posting on this subject and to consider posting some more of my poetry.


please do post more of your poetry @positivesynergy 👍

Thanks, @cryptasana! I will try to get to that today if I can. Some of it was in that pic I posted on the last comment.

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