Strange Habits of the Portuguese - Portugal (English Version)

in #life6 years ago


As in all cultures, each has its own habits and some of them are sometimes very strange. Portugal is one of the oldest countries in the world, so it is very normal to see completely different habits of other peoples.

Give light signals on the road

Signs of lights

When we go through a stop operation we have the tendency to warn those who come in the opposite direction to signal the lights to warn that the police are around.

Coffee with sugar


The Portuguese love to drink coffee with sugar, it may be a habit that is banal in Portugal, but abroad they are much admired by this combination.

Statue of saints at home


It's rare to enter a Portuguese house and not find a saint sitting on the piece of furniture. Portugal, is a very Catholic country and so a figure of a saint at home is almost as mandatory.

Talk badly about our country


We love our country, however, we speak ill of it, of corruption, of taxes, of politicians, etc ... yet we don't admit that a foreigner speaks ill of our nation. It is as if it were our only right to speak ill of our country.

Chicken soup the remedy for everything

Chicken soup

If you are with tummy aches, or with headaches, or even with the flu the normal thing is to listen to an advice "oh son eat a chicken soup that it already passes!".

Dishes with sayings


Dishes with sayings

Dishes with sayings hanging on the walls of houses, restaurants and even in certain hotels. This habit now is not very usual but in the homes of our grandparents it is very normal to still have a plate with a hanging phrase.






Bom artigo. Confirmo todos. Adorei aquela de que nós falamos mal do nosso país, mas se um estrangeiro disser a mesma coisa, não permitimos. E, realmente, estamos sempre a falar mal de Portugal. Mas vendo bem, até temos muita sorte em estar aqui.

Obrigado @guzman. Nós podemos falar mal porque é nosso ahah e realmente devemos falar mal do que está errado para melhorar o nosso país. Sim, penso o mesmo que tu, temos muita sorte em estar nesta terra linda e além do mais devemos ter orgulho deste país.

Adorei o post e concordo com os hábitos que mencionaste! Acho que outro hábito seria “Reclamar do tempo” 😂 Faça chuva ou faça sol, queremos sempre o que não temos - “Nunca mais chove!” se tiver sol, “Já farta a chuva!” No caso de estar a chover :)

Bom domingo!!!

@julimattos, boa sugestão! Nós portugueses estamos sempre a reclamar de tudo ehehe
Abraço e obrigado pelo teu comentário!

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