Taking breaks is pretty nice

in #life3 years ago

And I'm probably not done with this whole breaks-thing either.

Playfulfoodie nature walk

First of all, sorry for not replying to your comments the last couple of days. I've been taking a break from screens and especially the PC. I hadn't been feeling well and had to remind myself I need to take things easy. And most importantly: Not take blogging too seriously! It's nice that this place is here, but I don't owe anyone anything, except for owing myself to take good care of me and not put unnecessary pressure on me.

I also owe myself a good start at that job I'm hoping of getting (second interview this afternoon), so... much more important things to care about right now.

Putting stuff into perspective!

I did more of nothing, did some garden work, did some tv watching and tried some gaming. Did a first person camera angle game and got nauseous after a couple of minutes, so screw first person camera. I knew there was a good reason I hated it. Good thing I still haven't bought Medieval Dynasty, although I'm still mad at them for not giving us third-person.

Just now, I read about New World holding a Beta event for a few weeks, starting this evening. Sooooooo that has just been downloaded. You might not hear much from me the next few days either, or I might share a bit about the beta. Either way, I wanna hop back into that game and figure out what kind of character I'm going to play once it's released (31st of august).

With a possible job and that New World release in mind, blogging has to take a step backwards on my priority list. I'll pop in once in a while and will try to keep my upvotes going, but the amount of blogs from me will probably be less than it has been these last months. Hope you understand and if not, I've got good reasons, so that's your problem, not mine (I'm sure you understand though, I wasn't talking to you there).

Such a selfish post, huh! It's all 'me, me, me' and 'I care more about me than you' and 'I'm abandoning you'.

Should have called this one personal growth!

I still love you all for reading, commenting, voting and sharing though!

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