A hot foodie

in #life3 years ago

Phew it's hot!

I hope you didn't come here, expecting a hot foodie in the pretty sense. It's just summer heat here!

Good afternoon readers. I took the morning to relax and stay cool. Figured I could hop online later in the day. Such a silly girl...

It's worse now than it was this morning (duh). Should have taken the afternoon off instead. I gotta tell you, I'm not looking forward to the rest of the summer if it holds temperatures like these. We've gone way higher last summer. This being a single story house with a flat roof, it's not really easy to keep the heat out, especially if nights and mornings don't give any relieve either. Our windows all have screens on the outside, so that helps, but still, that roof...

I want airco eventually. With our solar panels, it's a good addition, especially when I can use it to help heat up the place in winter aswell. Gass isn't cheap! But you know, me being jobless and all, I figured 'It's not a smart financial move right now'. Replacing the leaking roof window is a better investment... Bah for being all sensible.

Anyway, it's just the two very hot days this time (I'm sure it'll get worse later in summer). Tomorrow will be a little more do-able. The good thing about these days is that my strawberries are kicking ass!

Playfulfoodie strawberries

Plenty of fruits to add to my breakfast!

Yesterday, I harvested most of our endive(?), because it was starting to shoot up in the air, wanting to produce flowers! They apparently get bitter when they do that. So I cooked them quickly, cooled them off and they are now in the freezer, waiting for me to make ehm... 'stamppot', which google translates to 'stew', but that's not accurate. basically, mashed potatoes, mixed with endive and fake bacon.

There's a few small ones left to harvest later.

My lettuce is doing really well too! So instead of crackers, I figured I should make a salad today. It was the right kinda weather for it anyway.

Playfulfoodie salad

So that was a tasty lunch!

I'm also being harassed by our ehm... agency that deals with the sick and the jobless for when you want government support. I say harassed, I mean they wanted me to fill out a form with all sorts of questions about the sickness, what can and can't I do, etc., as if I actually asked for support. I filled in the form, but also send them a message, asking why the heck! I never asked for any kind of financial support when I quit my job, because I didn't want to deal with stuff like this. I hope it's just an automated system flaw thing. We'll see.

I'm not sticking around online for much longer guys and gals! Gonna sit on my behind, watching (listening to) MacGyver episodes, waiting for my body to cool off again.

This is where cold feet come in handy, girls!

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As usual, my own images are used in this post. They are really not worthy of a steal, are they?


I want airco eventually. With our solar panels, it's a good addition

That's what we've got, once it's all set up, nice and cool and all for free ❄❄❄

Ooh, sounds great!

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