Setting Yourself Up for Success the Next Day

in #life7 years ago (edited)


We have the power to create a good morning or a bad morning depending on the choices we make the night before. From our meal prep, outfit selection, and even our bedtime, these choices all have a major effect on how the beginning of our next day goes.

Morning Hydration

One tip I've learned over the years, is to place a full water bottle on my night stand so that I can drink it immediately upon waking before I get out of bed. We tend to go searching for our favorite caffeine choice in our groggy stupor first thing in the morning. Though caffeine is a dear friend, it will leave us feeling out of balance if we don't keep our hydration in check. Starting the morning off with a liter of water, replenishes the lost hydration from the night of sleep and sets our metabolism up for success.

Breakfast Choice

The morning rush has the ability to force food choices that are quick and convenient, out of necessity, but an extra 10 minutes the night before can lead to a quick healthy breakfast that will set us up for longer sustained energy and attentiveness to the tasks before us. I love a good greek yogurt with berries and almond slices chopped the night before and thrown into a tupperware ready to grab in the morning.

Outfit Planning

We all have those tried and true outfits that we know with work well and be flattering, but there is always that 'other' part of the closet that lives in the mystery territory. It can save precious morning time to go ahead and try on the mystery outfit the night before to find out if it's going to work well or not.


My least favorite trick is a proper bedtime. I am a night owl by nature, but no one wants to drag through the day on too little sleep. It's bad for our bodies, our brains, and sometimes our relationships because of the grumpiness ; ). Making a plan to wind down a good hour before you want to fall asleep can make the difference between a great morning and an excruciating one. Try to turn of the technology at least an hour before you want to be sleeping to give your brain the chance to slow down.

I hope all of your tomorrows get a little bit easier as you can implement some of these tips.
Happy planning! : )


I feel like most days I start off on the wrong foot! Having water on my nightstand is such an easy thing to do and I can see where it would be beneficial in the mornings. Most of the time I don't even eat breakfast so this is a pretty easy one to fix in theory :) And don't get me started on bedtime, I'm all over the place, some nights I've passed out by 10pm and other nights I'm up till 4am. I guess maybe planning and consistency is the key to all of this. Thanks for sharing, resteemed!

I hope it helps. Its seems like such a simple thing to plan ahead for the next day, but I think it's a habit that alludes most people. You are definitely not alone

These tips are really helpful. Thank you

Thank you very much!

Really good post, This needs way more Upvotes! I love it!
Will look into your account , you got my attention (≈.

Thank you very much! I'm new to the platform but I love writing so I'm excited to jump in here. I appreciate the encouragement : )

Keep the good work.

I like that idea about the water! I'm always forgetting to get enough water in a day

I think water is so easy to forget. I know I do if I don't start thinking about it right when I wake up.

My mom planted us a habit of outfit planning since junior school, and believe it or not I still do it almost every night in adult life 😁 It's so useful! And all other tips!

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